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NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 02:05:02 +0000
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Subject: Re: Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
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From: BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid>
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Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 02:05:02 +0000
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FPP <> wrote:
> On 6/2/24 3:42 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>> In article <v3hqgj$3bs2t$>, FPP <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 5/31/24 5:06 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>> In article <v3c7kl$269se$>, FPP <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 5/30/24 12:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>> In article <v3a4tn$1o7d1$>, FPP <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 5/28/24 4:36 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>> In article <v34qcb$ksqb$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 5/26/24 2:23 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> In article <v2vf0g$3e71e$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Well, that would be OK for the light skinned ones, like those from
>>>>>>>>>>> Europe and Scandinavian countries.
>>>>>>>>>>> But them dark ones... no way we should let them in, amirite?
>>>>>>>>>>> Those are who Thanny is talking about.
>>>>>>>>>>> The red haired Irishman coming in is A-OK. Ditto the platinum blonde
>>>>>>>>>>> from Denmark.
>>>>>>>>>> Another whopper from Effa, who, let's remember, boldly made the claim
>>>>>>>>>> that he never posts anything without evidence to back it up.
>>>>>>>>>> Of course when I ask him for evidence of his claim that "Those are
>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>> Thanny is talking about," he'll wriggle and squirm and play word
>>>>>>>>>> games
>>>>>>>>>> and do everything but produce that evidence because he knows it
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>> exist and he's just making up one giant strawman after another and
>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>> condemning me for things I've never said.
>>>>>>>>>> Of course if I hated brown people and only liked soulless gingers and
>>>>>>>>>> blonde bimbos, it's weird that I've been dating a mocha-colored
>>>>>>>>>> latino
>>>>>>>>>> woman from Colombia for the past half-decade or so.
>>>>>>>>>> But facts like that don't stand in Effa's way. He just got a fresh
>>>>>>>>>> truckload of straw delivered and he has men to build out of it
>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>> he's gonna get that win on Usenet today no matter what!
>>>>>>>>> I've never heard you complaining about all the Europeans that come in
>>>>>>>>> and overstay their visas.  All you ever mention is what's happening at
>>>>>>>>> the border.
>>>>>>>>> The border... and we know what those people look like, amirite?
>>>>>>>> Yeah, these days it's mostly Chinese and Russians and Middle
>>>>>>>> Easterners,
>>>>>>>> who are let in without so much as a name check, let alone any real
>>>>>>>> vetting.
>>>>>>>> What's the current number of guys on the FBI terror watchlist that have
>>>>>>>> snuck in over our non-existent southern border since Dementia Joe took
>>>>>>>> office? Last I heard it was around 450.
>>>>>>>> Yep, 450 terrorists (that we know of) have been allowed in by Joe
>>>>>>>> Biden.
>>>>>>>> But yeah, notice Effa's response? Just like I predicted: A lot of
>>>>>>>> bluster and whataboutism, but exactly zero proof that "Those are who
>>>>>>>> Thanny is talking about."
>>>>>>> I don't respond to every unsourced allegation you find on right wing
>>>>>>> circle jerks.
>>>>>> Put you never post anything without proof. You boasted that yourself. So
>>>>>> far still no proof that "Those are who Thanny is talking about."
>>>>> The proof is that you've never said it. You've never criticized or
>>>>> shown a case where the immigrant was a nice red headed Irishman, or a
>>>>> platinum blonde Norwegian.
>>>> (1) "I'll take Tautologies for $1000, Alex."
>>>> Put it back in the deck already. No one's buying your race-baiting
>>>> nonsense anymore. I've never talked about the rings of Saturn here,
>>>> either. Doesn't mean I don't believe they exist.
>>>> (2) I have talked many times about the necessity of securing all
>>>> borders, even the ones white people use. Here's just one example:
>>>> In article <kqs8p1$2ss$>, Mon, 01 Jul 2013
>>>> "Suzanne" <> wrote:
>>>>> "BTR1701" wrote in message
>>>>> It *is* a problem, no matter how many scare quotes you put around it,
>>>>> and it's not racist to say so.
>>>>> And yes, if the entire state disappeared, that particular
>>>>> problem would be moot in California. That's nothing but simple logic.
>>>>> _____________________
>>>>> Yet no word about the problem of Canadians entering illegally.
>>>> Because they're not a problem. The vast, vast majority of Canadidians
>>>> don't enter illegally. If there were millions of Canadidians flooding
>>>> illegally across the northern border and availing themselves of all our
>>>> social programs and the like, then there would be plenty of words about
>>>> it.
>>>>> They're all brown, black, red or yellow.
>>>>> You know... not whyte.
>>>> And here is where the maestro of Biden's liar's chorus pops up his
>>>> little ferret face and start to show who the true racist here is, right
>>>> on cue. You can always tell when he's faced with an uncomfortable truth
>>>> he knows he can't spin his way out of, when he drops a few more miles on
>>>> his race card.
>>>> If you couldn't tell Effa is the real racist here just by his general
>>>> rhetoric and demeanor, his use of a common racial slur for whites should
>>>> seal the deal for you.
>>>> And don't talk to me about racism when, for example, the Democrat Party
>>>> aligns itself so completely with those gruesome ghouls at Planned
>>>> Parenthood, which has waged what amounts to be a near-genocide against
>>>> minority babies. That's the kind of racism that could bring the corpse
>>>> of Democrat icon and KKK kleagle Robert Byrd to tumescence. Margaret
>>>> Sanger is probably grinning in hell at the realization that the Left has
>>>> brought her bigoted genocidal fantasies so fully into reality.
>>> Oh, for fuck's sake... Oathkeeper is repeating what his cult is telling
>>> him now.
>> And you're now sounding word-for-word like Trotsky the Hutt. Maybe I was
>> wrong to stick up for you as a real person when all the others were
>> calling you Trotsky's sockpuppet.
> Sure, Donald...

Okay Effa the Hutt.