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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Richard Damon <>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: And the Richer Petard Horror Show resumes ...
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 21:38:36 -0400
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On 10/10/24 1:05 PM, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> Mikko <> wrote:
>> On 2024-10-09 19:34:34 +0000, Alan Mackenzie said:
>>> Richard Damon <> wrote:
>>>> On 10/8/24 8:49 AM, Andy Walker wrote:
>>>>> ... after a short break.
>>>>>      Richard -- no-one sane carries on an extended discussion with
>>>>> someone they [claim to] consider a "stupid liar".  So which are you?
>>>>> Not sane?  Or stupid enough to try to score points off someone who is
>>>>> incapable of conceding them?  Or lying when you describe Peter?  You
>>>>> must surely have better things to do.  Meanwhile, you surely noticed
>>>>> that Peter is running rings around you.
>>>> In other words, you don't understand the concept of defense of the truth.
>>> Maybe, but continuously calling your debating opponent a liar, and doing
>>> so in oversized upper case, goes beyond truth and comes perilously close
>>> to stalking.
>> Calling a liar a liar is fully justified. I don't know how often it
>> needs be done but readers of a liar may want to know that they are
>> reading a liar.
> We know Peter Olcott has lied in things that matter.  However, I believe
> his continual falsehoods are more a matter of delusion than mendacity.
> As Mike Terry has said, OP's intellectual capacity is low.  Calling him
> a liar in virtually every post is, I think, unwarranted.

Which is why I point out that he is a PATHOLOGICAL liar, that is a liar 
who lies because he doesn't understand the difference between truth and 

He show evidence that this pathology is at least in part, 
self-inflicted, as he has deliberately chosen to not study the fields 
out of a fear of being "brainwashed" into their false-ideas (which just 
shows a funndamental lack of understanding on how logic works).

>>> It detracts from the substance of your posts, and makes
>>> them, for me at least, thoroughly unpleasant to read.
>> You probably needn't read them.
> As I said, I mostly don't - which is a pity, since Richard Damon often
> posts stuff worth reading.
>> As soon you find out that they repeat the same over and over, neither
>> correcting their substantial errors nor improving their arguments you
>> have read enough.
>> -- 
>> Mikko