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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: shawn <>
Subject: Re: Vermont: Free Home Downpayments, But Not for Whites
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 21:26:29 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Mon, 20 May 2024 00:16:47 -0000 (UTC), "Adam H. Kerman"
<> wrote:

>BTR1701  <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>anim8rfsk <> wrote:
>>> BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>>> It's called the Homeownership Down Payment Program and it provides a
>>>> $25,000 forgivable loan only to buyers who are black, indigenous or people
>>>> of color who are buying a permanently affordable home through the Champlain
>>>> Housing Trust or its partner agencies across the state.
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> There are plenty of low income white people who could use a leg up to help
>>>> buy a home but they're shit out of luck in Vermont, where they'll be told
>>>> they have the wrong skin color to access that benefit.
>>>> I wonder how they'll treat someone who is half-white and half-black? Maybe
>>>> it goes by looks. If you look black enough, like Obama, you get the loan.
>>>> If your white parent's genes came through, then no loan for you.
>>> "Indigenous" isn’' even a real thing. How do you claim that status?
>>> Shouldn't anybody who wants it just be able to say they are?
>>Yep. I'm indigenous. I was born in Kentucky and I'm not from anywhere else.
>>And while you might say, yes, but your forebears aren't from North
>>America... well, that applies to the people who are considered
>>"indigenous", too. No flavor of human being is actually indigenous to North
>>America. We all originally came from somewhere else.
>>But much like 'African-American', any white people who actually qualify
>>under their politically correct jargon will be told "that's not what we
>Can I be a "people of color"?

Hell, I may even be a "people of color". My dad would sometimes make
things up to tell us kids. Other times he told us facts. On a few
occasions he said that his mom's side of the family was part Cherokee.
Which was certainly possible. 

So I would have a double claim as being indigenous and a person of
color. Even though I'm about as white as they come.