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NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 16:33:28 +0000
Subject: Re: Can Jews be Nazis?
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Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 09:33:29 -0700
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john larkin wrote:
> On Mon, 20 May 2024 11:40:06 -0400, bitrex <> wrote:
>> On 5/20/2024 9:57 AM, john larkin wrote:
>>> On Sun, 19 May 24 23:57:56 UTC, NefeshBarYochai <void@invalid.noy>
>>> wrote:
>>>> For many people, the question is inflammatory. The crimes of the
>>>> German Nazis were of such magnitude that comparison with any other
>>>> historical violence is invidious. The genocide of the Jews was
>>>> deliberate and methodical and intended to eliminate every last one.
>>>> The goal was the same with the Romani and Sinti people. By comparison,
>>>> the Israelis – currently accused of genocide — are rank amateurs. They
>>>> have so far killed some 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza out of a
>>>> population of 2.3 million.
>>>> But the question, “Can Jews be Nazis?” is nevertheless important for
>>>> challenging claims of moral inoculation by virtue of the Jewish
>>>> experience of the Holocaust. If Israeli leaders are indeed committing
>>>> a genocide in Gaza – as seems the case — they inhabit the same moral
>>>> universe as the German Nazis, regardless of the suffering of past
>>>> generations. In addition to the 35,000 killed, the war in Gaza has
>>>> injured another 75,000 and displaced 2 million. Most of the victims
>>>> are women and children – how can their deaths be justified? Israeli
>>>> cabinet ministers, Knesset members, military personnel, and police
>>>> have all freely spoken of their wish to force Palestinians into Egypt,
>>>> establish Jewish-only settlements in Gaza, and even use an atomic bomb
>>>> to kill everyone in the Gaza strip. (U.S. senator Lindsay Graham
>>>> recently also suggested using a nuclear weapon against Gaza.)
>>> At the end of WWII, German cities and industry were heaps of burnt
>>> rubble, much worse than Gaza today. Half of Germany was occupied by
>>> the USSR. About 6 million jews had been starved and gassed to death by
>>> the nazis. About 100 million people died in WWII.
>>> Israel wants to survive and is arguably doing what it must do to
>>> survive. The bad guys aren't Israel, they are Iran and Hamas and the
>>> many other savages, kidnappers, bombers, and rapists.
>>> The extreme islamists want to kill all the jews and take their land.
>>> The citizens of Israel of course object. Thay have atom bombs and
>>> havedn't used them, even after the drons attacks from Iran.
>> If heavily nuclear-armed nations still routinely feel in great danger of
>> their sovereignty and land being taken then it's hard to know what else
>> to do for them that could make them feel any safer.
>>> Long-term, Israel can't allow Iran to have nukes, because they know
>>> that Iran will use them on Israeli cities and welcome retaliation as
>>> blessed martyrdom.
> Exacrly.  What's scary is that the extremist islamists are eager for
> martyrdom, especially somebody else's. The lunatics in Iran may think
> that a nuclear exchange is worth it if it kills a lot of jews.
>> Iran has probably noticed that no nuclear-armed state has ever been
>> conquered, it's unclear if Israel knows.
> The Iranian leadership no doubt has nuke-proof tunnel complexes, built
> at great expense. Strange how some people like to live underground.
> Sounds nasty and stinky to me.
anything to bugger the americans ,
who want to lay claim to all the land