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From: hitlong@yahoo.com (gharnagel)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: What composes the mass of an =?UTF-8?B?ZWxlY3Ryb24/?=
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 03:15:57 +0000
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On Sat, 9 Nov 2024 16:26:29 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
> W dniu 09.11.2024 o 15:28, gharnagel pisze:
> >
> > On Sat, 9 Nov 2024 7:35:40 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
> > >
> > > If I called you a pedophile murderer - under
> > > the guise of your relativistic idiocies -
> > > what woould you say,
> >
> > I wouldn't have to say anything, because it would be
> > perfectly clear to anyone with a brain that there is
> > no connection between the situations.  But there IS
> > a connection between pink elephants and alcoholism.
> Neither I have to,

But Wozniak did! :-)

He "doth protest too much, methinks" --Shakespeare

> but I like,

He likes having the things he says come back and
bite him in his butt. :-))

"MASOCHIST is a person who derives sexual gratification
from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation"

> poor, lying

Wozniak projects his own dishonesty again and again.

> piece of shit.

And enjoys his coprophilia which leads to coprophagia.
And he enjoys getting "hoisted by his own petard."
 -- Shakespeare again :-))
He keeps trying again and again to throw a bomb, but
it keeps blowing up in his hand.  Some people never
learn.  If he would behave like a decent human being,
he would be treated like one.  Maybe, he knows he's
not a decent human so he says atrocious things as a
form of self-flagellation.  Ahh, another serious mental
problem -- in addition to coprophagia, scurrilous
lying bordering on pathological, OCD, substance abuse,
not to mention masochism (oops, I just did mention it)


That sure fits Wozniak, alright.

Strange that out of all these mental problems, the only
one he seems to be worried about is substance abuse,
which is the least of his problems.