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From: Justisaur <>
Subject: Re: Any good FPS games without big boss fights?
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:51:02 -0700
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On 9/29/2024 8:04 AM, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 21:56:04 -0600, PW
> <> wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Sep 2024 10:21:01 -0000 (UTC), vallor <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 26 Sep 2024 12:18:53 -0700, Justisaur wrote:
>>>> I can't actually think of anything that doesn't have something that
>>>> could be construed as a boss that involves combat.
>>> Elite Dangerous Odyssey has FPS that is usually constrained to
>>> arena bouts at a settlement.  Though, sometimes you'll have a
>>> mission to restore power at a settlement, and there will be
>>> Thargoid drones roaming around -- they can be tough.
>>> The real "bosses" in the game, though, are the Thargoid starships,
>>> which you don't have to go anywhere near if you don't
>>> want to...usually.
>>> Oh, and sometimes in a "High" Combat Zone, a capital ship
>>> will jump in, which you have to make retreat.  But you don't
>>> end up in a CZ by accident, so you'll know what you're getting
>>> into.
>>> There might be Thargoid foot soldiers at some point, that
>>> might offer some kind of "boss" play.
>>> There's a lot more to the first person play than combat,
>>> though -- I've just flown off on a xenobiology expedition
>>> where one scans fungii, plants, and bacterial mats for
>>> major space bucks. :)
>> *--
>> Lousy ratings on Steam.  But thanks!
> I'd take those ratings with a grain of salt. There's _still_ a lot of
> upset about the online requirements, and the game doesn't have the
> easiest difficulty curves. It's expansions have been a bit hit-or-miss
> too, and have sometimes changed the experience considerably. But the
> core game... look, if you enjoy the genre --a genre that Elite
> _created_ back in 1984!-- there are very few games that will match
> "Elite: Dangerous".
> And I say this as somebody who is both one of the "still pissed about
> the online requirements" and somebody who doesn't really like games
> from that genre. I don't personally _like_ playing "Elite:
> Dangerous"... but even I am forced to admit that it is a very good
> game despite that.
> It is niche, though. If you're not a big fan of space-sims and
> buy-low/sell-high games, you're going to have to WORK to like the game
> (sort of like you have to put in the effort to enjoy brutal games like
> Dark Souls). But it's well worth the effort... despite what user
> reviews say.
> Which isn't to say you should go out and buy it. It may not be the
> sort of game you enjoy. Just don't base your decision on the user
> reviews.

PW - you probably already have Elite Dangerous as it was given away by 
Epic, however I think that may mean you have to buy from Epic for the 
DLCs like Odyssey if you want to use it with Epic's version.  I'd have 
to look into that.


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