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From: hitlong@yahoo.com (gharnagel)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: What is "local =?UTF-8?B?dGltZSI/?=
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 00:50:22 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
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On Mon, 4 Nov 2024 18:34:49 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
> W dniu 04.11.2024 o 16:32, gharnagel pisze:
> >
> > On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 21:11:55 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
> > >
> > > Talking to slandering scum like you and other
> > > relativists I partially descended to your level,
> >
> > Total dishonesty.  Wozniak arrived upon the relativity
> > group "slandering" viciously.
> Talking to scumbags like you and your
> fellow scumbags I have to descend partially
> to your level, I admit. But I don't
> slander like you; you're am idiot and
> it's quite possible that you don't know
> what a slander is, but somehow I doubt it.

"Slander is a legal term that refers to a false, ORAL
statement about an individual that harms his reputation
or standing within the community."

Woziliar doesn't know what slander is and lies about it
continually.  A written false statement cannot be slander,
at most it is LIBEL.

But either is more than just a false statement: it must
also harm the target's reputation or standing in the
community.  Wozniak has no reputation to harm.  He has
dead wrong on virtually every cause he has advocated.

Here is a perfect example of a major rant of his:

> > > I agree, but it's definitely necessary to
> > > treat your bunch of fanatic scumbags like
> > > a bunch of fanatic scumbags you are.

He is libeling EVERYONE who disagrees with his outrageous
point of view, time as only a human invention being just
the most recent atrocity.

> > Wozniak has pumped up his "moral indignation" to
> > fever-pitch to justify his insane rantings.
> You project on me the stance of your
> insane church and its insane followers.

And he is libeling EVERYONE who accepts that relativity
is a valid theory.  Many, many of these have reputations
that he definitely would be harming -- IF not for the
fact that Wozniak is a low-life stinker and congenital
liar himself who no one believes ANYTHING he discharges
from his corrupt brain.

> > > Oppositely, it was you and your fellows
> > > scumbags. And when it gets back to you -
> > > (no slanders, however, I descend to your
> > > level only partially) you're surprised;
> > > you're such idiots...
> >
>> Au contraire.
> Nope.

Yep, I'd indict him for libel except that he's not worth
the bother.  He is an ineffective and impotent person.
For his sake, I hope he will escape the form of the karma
that will come to him when Putin gets done with Ukraine.

Wozniak is the "dirty dog" who put glue on his own saddle.
It's the glue of his libelous egotism, vanity and arrogance.