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From: songbird <songbird@anthive.com>
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
Subject: Re: Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo Bake - YUM
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 22:45:33 -0400
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Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> On 2024-10-29, Dave Smith <adavid.smith@sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> I am having a bit of a problem appreciating the convenience issue.  It's 
>> a matter of opening up a can and shaking it out compared to opening the 
>> package, taking out a chunk of cheese and grating it. It's not as if the 
>> latter is complicated.
> Messy. Too many steps. Cleanup.

  plus some people have trouble with their hands and so
opening up a lot of things and using a grater can be too

  i will gladly use real cheese block and grater if we
have it but i'm also able to be happy with the pre-grated
versions.  for some things i don't think the flavor or
texture differences are noticeable (like when used as an
ingredient in meatballs or along with other spices which
might mask some of the flavors).
