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Le 15/10/2024 à 23:28, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> W dniu 15.10.2024 o 22:29, Python pisze:
>> Le 15/10/2024 à 18:32, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
>>> W dniu 15.10.2024 o 14:52, gharnagel pisze:
>>>> Before you talk about "local time" you must first understand
>>>> "time."  What is "time"?  Or maybe, the question is: WHY is
>>>> time?  Does space have time, or do just masses have time?  Is
>>>> there more than one dimension of time?  It appears to be a
>>>> quantum thing/process; we use it, and are ruled by it, but we
>>>> just don't know very much about it.
>>> It's not very complicated
>> So explain.
> It is a coordinate. A purely virtual human
> made abstract, having nothing in commom with
> your precioujs nature. And with your
> precious experiments.

It is purely virtual, really? Can be anything a Polish
crank can edict?

I don't what you mean by "nature". What I know is that
if the space and time coordinates of a bullet are the
same as my head I would likely die.

This is neither "precious", "abstract" and as something
in "commom" with whatever reality is.