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Subject: Re: Galaxies don't fly apart because their entire frame is rotating
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From: Arindam Banerjee <banerjeeadda1234@gmail.com>
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Le 30/03/2024 à 18:36, Thomas Heger a écrit :
> Am 29.03.2024 um 11:33 schrieb Maciej Wozniak:
>> W dniu 29.03.2024 o 10:41, Paul B. Andersen pisze:
>>> Den 29.03.2024 08:51, skrev Thomas Heger:
>>>> I assume, that the observer can be used and actually is used as
>>>> 'base', from where the universe is observed.
>>>> But that would make it impossible to measure the state of motion of
>>>> the observer, because the observer does not move in repect to himself.
>>> Never heard about gyroscopes and accelerometers?
>> Never heard about the elevator of your idiot guru?
> If the observer rotates (unknowingly) and observes a scenery with 
> significant depth, he would see that scene as a spiral vortex.
> This is so because light has a finite velocity and further away means 
> longer ago.
> If there is an overlaying forground rotation, the background structure 
> would become distorted to a vortex (even if it isn't).
> Now cosmologists have a wellknown habit to ignore the delay caused by 
> the finite speed of light, hence tend to take the observed image for 
> real and make no attempts to compensate the delay.
> This is actually, what I had criticised in Einstein's 'On the 
> electrodynamics of moving bodies' several times, too, because Einstein 
> didn't even mention the delay and made not effort to eliminate its effects.
> In cosmology the problem is much more obvious, but cosmologists make not 
> attempts to compensate this effect, neither.
> Instead they are looking for the cause of rotation of the vortex 
> structure (what is rather silly).
> TH

That the speed of light varies with that of the emitter is most clearly 
shown by the Doppler effect.
The MMI experiment null result shows that the speed of light varies with 
that of the emitter, and not the other way around. For the equipment moves 
on the moving Earth.  I gave details back in 2005, in articles published 
in Usenet and on my website.  Of course, no physics journal will publish 

Arindam Banerjee


The violation of inertia with a new design rail gun in motor mode
Arindam Banerjee,
HTN Research Pty Ltd. Melbourne
10 Nov 2023
(All rights reserved)



Experiments (2022) showing my invention of a new kind of rail gun

Which is improved upon in, and its potential for ejecting matter into near 
space , and horizontal tunneling shown in

and the following shows how a new class of linear motor violating inertia 
can be developed by arresting the momentum of the armature and imparting 
that to the whole system, giving it an increased velocity


Introduction to "A New Look Towards the Principles of Motion"

Section 1
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the 
design of Interstellar Spacecraft

Section 1 (contd.)
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the 
design of Interstellar Spacecraft

Section 2
The Creation and Destruction of Energy

Section 3
The Structure of Heavenly Bodies

Section 4
The Nature of Explosion

Section 5
The forces involved in rotational motion


2017 videos of rail gun experiments with theory in detail

IFE - 1 Ground Experiments

IFE - 2 Experimental setups

IFE - 3 Pendulum experiments

IFE - 4 Evolution of spaceship

IFE - 5 Hydrogen Transmission Network

IFE - 6 Spaceship Design

IFE - 7 Anti-Gravity

IFE - 8 New Physics

The physics aphorisms of Arindam

The cause of gravity 

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 1

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 2
