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From: HenHanna <HenHanna@dev.null>
Newsgroups: sci.lang
Subject: Re: John Gumperz died (29-3-2013)
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 20:38:49 +0000
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Athel Cornish-Bowden wrote:

> On 2024-03-30 09:17:30 +0000, Ross Clark said:

>> Born Germany, 1922. Jewish. Left Germany 1930s, eventually reached the 
>> USA. Here his interests swung from chemistry to linguistics.
>> PhD, University of Michigan, 1954. Thesis on the dialect of a 
>> Swabian-German community in Michigan.
>> At University of California, Berkeley, from 1956.
>> What exactly was his field?
>> Sociolinguistics? (Crystal), but quite a different tradition from the 
>> Labovian variationists
>> specifically, Interactional Sociolinguistics? (Crystal)
>> Ethnography of Communication? (Crystal)...he was a close associate of 
>> Dell Hymes.
>> I haven't read much of Gumperz.
>> Crystal mentions a "famous example", a case arising at Heathrow Airport.
>> Fortunately I don't have to retell it since it's here,

> Only to subscribers.

                  if anyone can see the 2nd half of the NYT article,  pls post it here

                   After    “Gumperz was paying attention to the details of 
                             how language is used: your intonation, where you pause, 
                           the specific expressions that people from one culture or another might use.”
__________________(from NPR)

"So if the same word — gravy — was said by the British women with a rising intonation — gravy? — that was understood as "Would you like some gravy?" 

The Indian and Pakistani women said it with a falling intonation — gravy. That came across as, "This is gravy; take it or leave it."
he was really called in?  to help?  

         ----   Was this the only instance in human history that  a Linguist  was actually  useful?
   i thought a Linguist was useful only in movies 

                                        like Amy Adams  deciphering  Alien language.