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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: shawn <>
Subject: Re: Ping anim
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 15:26:01 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 10:50:35 -0700, anim8rfsk <>

>Rhino <> wrote:
>> I was going to ask you - and the other Americans in this thread - if
>> you're all starting to see roundabouts in your area the last few years?
>> It's not that long ago that we had essentially none in all of southern
>> Ontario. Now they seem to be the "go to" choice for lots of situations.
>> I'm not sure why that happened but it's very common now.  I had
>> understood that roundabouts are extremely rare in the US too but my
>> friend is hearing that they are springing up all over in the US now.
>> There was one in that video so maybe he's correct. 
>Yes, they’re springing up like tumbleweeds. Usually for a stupid reason.
>Like a cheerleader barreled through an intersection at three times the
>speed limit so they decided they should put roundabout in there. She
>wouldn’t have noticed that anymore than she would’ve noticed the stop sign
>so she would’ve just hit it and landed on somebody else.
>They don’t have any signage, and nobody knows who has the right of way and
>so basically they’re freaking dangerous.

The idea is that supposedly because of that uncertainty people will
drive slower and thus limit the # of accidents and the severity of any
accidents that do happen. Though for people like the cheerleader or
someone who is drunk enough it won't do a thing to stop them.