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NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 14:09:42 +0000
From: John Larkin <>
Subject: Re: The Right of Return to Free Palestine
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 07:07:46 -0700
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On Sat, 18 May 2024 00:13:17 -0600, Sharx335 <>

>On 2024-05-17 9:41 p.m., NefeshBarYochai wrote:
>> [ Editor’s Note: The following text was prepared as a speech to
>> present to the Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine held in
>> Johannesburg, South Africa on May 10-12, 2024. ]
>> Dear Friends in South Africa,
>> I have the honor to address you today. As millions of Palestinians, we
>> have the greatest gratitude and admiration for South Africa, which
>> among 193 UN member states, was the only one to stand before the
>> International Court of Justice and charge Israel with the heinous
>> crime of Genocide. South Africa, like us, knows the meaning of
>> Apartheid, colonization, ethnic cleansing and erasure of a nation from
>> its homeland.
>> We all remember what Nelson Mandela said, “Our freedom is incomplete
>> without the freedom of Palestinians”.
>> There are many common features of our histories.
>> The Israeli Genocide in Gaza is deeply rooted and well planned for
>> more than a century. You heard the myth propagated in Europe a century
>> ago that Palestine was a land without people. It turned out to be a
>> Zionist plan to make it so, a land without a people, to empty it, to
>> expel its people and kill them.  In 1940, Yousef Weitz, the Zionist
>> colonist under the British Mandate, declared, before Israel was
>> declared,  that “not one [Palestinian] village” will remain in
>> Palestine.  That was the plan for Al Nakba
>> In 1948, 530 cities and villages were attacked and depopulated by a
>> Zionist European army of 120,000 soldiers in 9 brigades which carried
>> out 31 military operations and committed 90 massacres, occupied 78% of
>> Palestine. They made its people refugees till to today. They are now 9
>> million Palestinian refugees.
>> The hypocritical West cries that the hostages must return home. They
>> send bombs to kill, they cast veto to kill international law, they
>> prevent entry of food and medicine, they aid and abet total
>> destruction of Gaza.
>>   All this is in order to release captured East European settlers “to
>> return home”.
>> I fully agree that all hostages must be freed to return home.
>> But who are the real hostages?
>> They are two million Palestinian refugees in Gaza Concentration Camp,
>> from 247 towns and villages in southern Palestine expelled by Israel
>> in 1948, through dozens of massacres. They are crammed in a
>> concentration camp called Gaza Strip at a density of 8000 persons/km2.
>> Its area is 1.3% of Palestine, or 365 km2. Their homes are in the
>> southern district of Palestine, which is 12,500 km2.
>> Who occupies their home now?
>> East European settlers from Romania, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. Their
>> number is only 150,000, at a density of only 7 persons/km2, one
>> thousand times less than the owners of the land, the refugees in Gaza.
>> So, who are the real hostages?
>> Are they the 150 European settlers held in Gaza for 200 days?
>> Or, are they the two million Palestinian refugees held in Gaza camps
>> who are attacked by land, air and sea and blockaded for 76 years, or
>> 27,000 days?
>> I ask you. who are the true hostages?
>> I maintain without reservation: All hostages should be free to return
>> home. Palestinians to Palestine and Settlers with foreign passports to
>> wherever they want to go.
>> For 76 years, the Palestinians never stopped claiming their Right to
>> Return home.
>> The UN resolution number 194 calling for the Right of Return has been
>> affirmed by the UN more than 130 times, the longest in UN history.
>> International law and a myriad of UN conventions support the Right of
>> Return.
>> Shall I tell you some of these?
>> Fourth Geneva Convention art 4. The Universal Declaration of Human
>> Rights art 8 and 13. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal
>> Court, art 7 and 8. The International Convention of the Elimination of
>> All Forms of Racial Discrimination, art 5 and 6. … and many more.
>> Why are the Palestinian still not allowed to return home?
>> Because the original perpetrator of the crime and his cohorts are
>> still doing it. These are the Western powers which created Israel,
>> which recently vetoed the ceasefire resolutions three times. They are
>> still supplying Israel with bombs to kill and political protection.
>> The original crime is still going on.
>> In the face of all this, the Palestinians are defiant and resolute.
>> They have no intention of giving up their Right of Return. They do not
>> want to remain refugees forever.
>> So we have a duty: to plan for their Return.
>> First, we see who and where the refugees are.
>> Next, we see who occupies their land in Israel?
>> We made a detailed study, village by village, city by city, to find
>> how many Jews live in Palestinian lands and where.
>> We found a startling result:
>> There are 246 Palestinian village lands which have no Jews today.
>> There are 272 village lands which have few Jews, less than 5000.
>> So, if we now repopulate Palestinian villages by the return of the
>> refugees, we do not find any appreciable problem of Jewish
>> displacement.
>> In Galilee, the Little Triangle in the center and in Beer Sheba, there
>> is already a sizable Palestinian population, ready to welcome their
>> kith and kin.
>> Then, where are the Jews in Israel?
>> Generally, Jews live in 924 listed localities with a total population
>> of 5,509,778 (year 2020) within the armistice line of 1949. But this
>> large number may be misleading. Only 14 of them have a population of
>> over 100,000; 12 have a population between 50 and 100,000, and 29
>> localities between 20 and 50,000.
>> That means that 87% of Jews live in only 55 localities, or five
>> percent of the total number of localities. The area they occupy is
>> 1,400 km2 or 6% of Israel’s area.
>> The conclusion? The return is feasible and of course legal. To
>> Palestinians, it is also sacred and inevitable.
>> We can plan the return of the refugees from their camps. We know
>> exactly where they come from. The route to return home takes from 15
>> minutes to 45 minutes and it is never longer than 45 km. In Gaza they
>> do not need busses, they can simply walk home.
>> When they arrive home, they will find the debris of their destroyed
>> homes. The debris is covered by the trees planted by the Jewish
>> National Fund to hide the crime.
>> Now they can start rebuilding their homes.
>> We gave this task to young Palestinian architects as their graduating
>> project. We hold an annual competition among them, now in its 8th
>> year. The competition is judged by international jury in London.
>> So far 270 young Palestinian architects participated in the
>> reconstruction of 60 villages, distributed all over Palestine.
>> Once again, the young people are leading the way to liberation.
>> Justice will be made at last.
>> But all this needs the implementation of one basic principle.  This
>> principle is essential, just, non-negotiable and inevitable. It is the
>> abolishment of Zionism and all its components: war crimes,
>> dispossession, occupation, Apartheid, racism, discrimination AND
>> After the passage of 76 years, we Palestinians never lost the
>> determination to return home. As you see, the Right of Return is
>> sacred to all Palestinians, its legal in every chapter of
>> international and it is feasible and surely inevitable.