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Subject: Re: GNOME/Freedesktop/redhat incompetent or malicious influence
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On 10/15/24 7:46 AM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> On 15/10/2024 09:10, D wrote:
>> On Mon, 14 Oct 2024, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
>>> On 14/10/2024 20:48, D wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 14 Oct 2024, rbowman wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 14 Oct 2024 11:46:03 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
>>>>>> The problem is that the altenative -  the Doonald, will weaken the 
>>>>>> USA
>>>>>> globally by becoming isolationist.
>>>>> It won't happen but I consider that a plus point. Neither the 
>>>>> Ukraine or
>>>>> Israel are US states, let alone Haiti, Somalia, and other seflf
>>>>> destructive third world states.
>>>> This is the truth!
>>> It is also extremely short sighted.
>>> And the USA is not part of Putin's Empire - yet.
>>> How *much* does the Orange Jesus owe Mr Vlad?
>>> More, or less, than Barack Obama?
>> Proof please. Then we talk.
> Er. a question doesn't have a 'proof'
> Why would Putin and his FSB chums *not* funnel funds/blackmail/otherwise 
> compromise/  to affect, support or purchase politicians in other nations 
> in order to shape their political processes to suit Russian needs?
> The CIA does *exactly* that. I am sure MI5 does. I would be upset if 
> they did not.
> We saw as blatant and disgraceful an attempt by the Speaker of your 
> House to utterly disrupt the USAs political process in favour of Russia 
> as we did in OUR house to favour the European Union.
> Why this naive need to believe that you have finally found the One True 
> Incorruptible politician who is really on your side?
> Bless!
> We have a government website called 'they work for you'
> https://www.theyworkforyou.com/
> Do they work for us? Do they fuck!
> In terms of what motivates a politician, the *last* people they are 
> working for is you.
> Only very rarely does someone with some idea of what 'national interest' 
> *really* means turn up, and they are regarded by their fellow 
> politicians as extremely dangerous people.
> Whatever else he may be, Trump is certainly beholden to Putin. So too 
> via Hunter, may have been Joe Biden.
> I think I read somewhere that the *majority* of politicians in the main 
> German political party had all been to Russia on expense paid trips, and 
> no doubt entertained by athletic 'Natashas' in the absence of their 
> stolid German wives...
> This is how the world works.
> Democracy us about sacking the worst before they can do as much damage 
> to your country as Putin has done to Russia.

   "Democracy" is about "suspension of belief" ... you
   PRETEND your 'leaders' are great because you had a
   largely-pretend role in selecting them.  :-)

   Machiavelli still scores 100% ...