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Path: ...!!!!rocksolid2!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: jsmith <> Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho Subject: Re: Gatwa Daleks contraversy Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 17:58:14 +0000 Organization: novaBBS Message-ID: <> References: <v5br52$1gk4$> <> <v5d0e5$2f7f$> <> <v5d32f$2ksu$> <> <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Info:; logging-data="2042647"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="65ztiAQPU2K3SchF9bommfMXsyYxghgpZdsl5TkO93E"; User-Agent: Rocksolid Light X-Rslight-Site: $2y$10$ibWExbrRGb8113UesZsqH.z4PuO5aaTCJZUHEjdz2IJyXj659sDre X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0 X-Rslight-Posting-User: fe6ba2646674c58dad8a6b3fb1db6c74a736ea96 Bytes: 2231 Lines: 27 Blueshirt wrote: > jsmith wrote: > >> I don't expect any showrunner to pass up on the Daleks' >> marketing potential /two seasons in a row,/ though. > > I would be very surprised if that scenario happened... > > My money is on a Dalek appearance in Oh, absolutely. Though I dearly hope it's going to be more interesting than the standard action-type story... I wonder how whoever the writer will turn out to be would subvert that, considering that Daleks are one of the least subvertible ideas around...* *I'm reminded of the 'Daleks acting wrongly' genre of... premise, I suppose. The Power of the Daleks, The Time of the Daleks, Jubilee, Victory ``, Revolution ``. But then again, half the point of half of these is the inevitable moment where the story becomes a standard Dalek story, with all the action trappings /that/ implies... with a more interesting order of things only restored as they're defeated, and maybe being the /way/ they are defeated. I'm sure they'll do something /less/ standard about it, this time. > S2/S15. Don't forget S41 :-)