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NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2024 21:39:44 +0000
From: john larkin <>
Subject: Re: Instead scopes
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2024 14:40:18 -0700
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On Mon, 9 Sep 2024 22:24:23 +0200, Jeroen Belleman
<jeroen@nospam.please> wrote:

>On 9/9/24 20:51, piglet wrote:
>> On 01/09/2024 3:09 pm, john larkin wrote:
>>> On Sun, 1 Sep 2024 17:45:46 +1000, Bill Sloman <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 30/08/2024 2:21 am, Jan Panteltje wrote:
>>>>> On a sunny day (Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:43:39 +1000) it happened Bill 
>>>>> Sloman
>>>>> <> wrote in <vaq1f2$jdj$>:
>>>>>> It's lot easier and quicker to bread-board a circuit in LTSpice 
>>>>>> than it
>>>>>> is to wire up a test circuit, but what that means is that you need to
>>>>>> make fewer real circuits and they are a lot more likely to work 
>>>>>> when tested.
>>>>>> That, on it's own, is enough to explain why labs look different today
>>>>>> than they did in the dark ages.
>>>>> All it explains is boeings falling apart and astronuts ending up 
>>>>> stuck at the ISS
>>>>> and no moonlanding from the US, not even a probe.
>>>>> Slimulations are _not_ realty and never will be.
>>>> But they can capture useful parts of reality, if you know what you are
>>>> doing.
>>>> John Larkin's simulated inductors tend not to have any parallel 
>>>> capacitance.
>>> The trick is to know when it matters. ESR and core loss are usually
>>> more important.
>>> I designed this surface-mount inductor for my Pockels Cell driver,
>>> after several tries using commercial parts. They all smoked.
>>> It's wound on a specially marked Sharpie pen that we have carefully
>>> reserved.
>>> The grey gap-pad gives it some extra cooling. The board has lots of
>>> thermal vias down to the water-cooled baseplate.
>> That sharpie formed coil looks like the turn-to-turn air-spacing is done 
>> by eyeball? Can you find a bolt or screw with right pitch and diameter 
>> to make winding easier?
>> piglet
>It /does/ look a bit messy.
>To get nice even spacing in hand-wound coils, I would pull on
>the wire until it gave just a bit, then wind it tightly spaced
>on a mandrel of appropriate size and finally, stick a toothpick,
>or something like that, transversely through the turns, 'screwing'
>it from one end to the other. My coils ended up looking perfectly
>Jeroen Belleman

Stretching magnet wire makes it beautifully straight, but wrecks the
annealing and somewhat increases the resistance. Beauty over function.

My inductor is wound from  #14 AWG, which takes some muscle to pull
straight. Use horses maybe.

There's actually a drawing!