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From: D <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: Readercon code of conduct
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 11:35:12 +0200
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On Sat, 25 May 2024, Bernard Peek wrote:

> On 2024-05-25, D <> wrote:
>> Ehh incorrect. I lived there and detected no such thing. Bird-flu isn't
>> even a topic in the news and no one where I live talks about it.
> It's been found in cattle in several parts of the US and there have been two
> cases of transmission from cattle to people. So far no cases of
> person-to-person transmission.

2 out of 8 billion. I am so scared! ;) Call me again if we reach one in 
two and until then, I won't be bothered.

Corona, by the way, was about as dangerous for my age group as driving a 
car. That figure came from the government, so all hysteria was just 

I say, protect the old if they want it and let the rest live their lives 
as normal, which is what eventually sweden did, which was proven to be the 
right way. Not limiting peoples freedoms and becoming authoritarian.

>> But politicians I'm sure are pining for that power the corona psychosis
>> gave them, so I'm certain they try hard to push the paranoia.
> I hope they succeed. Americans seem to consistently choose the wrong things
> to be paranoid about. Covid was a dress-rehearsal that could have gone a lot
> worse. It doesn't appear that the politicians learned anything from it.
> Evidently neither did the antivaxxers.

Well, they did learn how to build up an authoritarian society and remove 
all freedoms, and unless the people wake up, it will be authoritarianism 
all the way.

Personally my wifes family were harassing me about the vaccines, but, one 
of their friends died due to the vaccine, and then I was transformed from 
villain to hero, and they stopped taking it. So that was a huge victory!

I also found some nice loop holes in the law that enabled me to travel 
mask free during all of corona, which was another win, and secretly many 
people came up to me asking how I did it.

So the positive is that it is possible to fight the good fight of freedom. 
So my advice to you is to seek help for your hypochondria, it lowers your 
quality of life. Trust me, there is nothing to be worried about, and the 
body takes care of 99% of all deseases itself.