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Path: ...!!!!rocksolid2!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: (MitchAlsup1)
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Subject: Re: Continuations
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:22:52 +0000
Organization: Rocksolid Light
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References: <v6tbki$3g9rg$> <> <v71vqu$gomv$> <> <> <> <> <v78soj$1tn73$> <> <v792kn$1v70t$>
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On Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:30:47 +0000, Stephen Fuld wrote:

> MitchAlsup1 wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Jul 2024 16:50:27 +0000, Thomas Koenig wrote:
>>>MitchAlsup1 <> schrieb:
>>> > What I am talking about is to improve their performance until a
>>> > sin() takes about the same number of cycles of FDIV, not 10× more.
>>> Maybe time for a little story.
>>> Some unspecified time ago, a colleague did CFD calculations which
>>> included fluid flow (including turbulence modelling and diffusion)
>>> and quite a few chemical reactions together.  So, he evaluated a
>>> huge number of Arrhenius equations,
>>> k = A * exp(-E_a/(R*T))
>>> and because some of the reactions he looked at were highly
>>> exothermic or endothermic, he needed tiny relaxation factors (aka
>>> small steps).  His calculaiton spent most of the time evaluating
>>> the Arrhenius equation above many, many, many, many times.
>>> A single calculation took months, and he didn't use weak hardware.
>>> A fully pipelined evaluation of, let's say, four parallel exp and
>>> four parallel fdiv instructions would have reduced his calculation
>>> time by orders of magnitude, and allowed him to explore the design
>>> space instead of just scratching the surface.
>>> (By the way, if I had found a reasonable way to incorporate the
>>> Arrhenius equation into your ISA, I would have done so already :-)
>>     FMUL     Rt,RR,RT
>>     FDIV     Rt,-RE,Rt
>>     EXP      Rt,Rt
>>     FMUL     Rk,RA,Rt
>> Does not look "all that bad" to me.
> So for your GbOoO CPU, how many of the various FP operations, and the
> EXP instruction can be done in parallel?

FMUL is   4 cycles of latency fully pipelined
FDIV is ~20 cycles of latency not   pipelined
EXP  is ~16 cycles of latency not   pipelined

They are all performed in the FMAC unit and here the instructions are
serially dependent.

So, 44 cycles of latency, a 1-wide machine and a 6-wide machine would
see the same latency; that is, GBOoO is not a differentiator.