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Le 12/10/2024 à 13:56, M.D. Richard "Hachel" Lengrand a écrit :
> Le 12/10/2024 à 11:05, Mikko a écrit :
>>> This is actually not true, because the world which SRT describes isn't 
>>> the world we live in.
>> A failed attempt is still an attempt. Therefore your "because" is wrong.
>> SR is an attempt to describe the world. Later it was found out that the
>> world is different but that does not affect what SR is.
>>> SRT is about a world, where all thinfgs drift around in a dark and 
>>> starless void,
>> No, it is not. SR is about the geometry of the world, not about its matter
>> content except that the matter content must be compatible with the geometry.
> SR is first and foremost an attempt to explain the Michelson-Morley experiment.
> The calculation shows that, according to the experiment, w=v+c=c

It does not.

> Which is absurd.

Indeed. But only you say that.

> [snip idiotic gobbledigook]