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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: D <>
Subject: Re: Billionaires Say There'll Be A CIVIL WAR If They Don't Get
 Trump's Big Tax Cut
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 22:14:35 +0200
Organization: i2pn2 (
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References: <v2aqpr$2t982$> <>
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On Sat, 18 May 2024, BTR1701 wrote:

> In article <v2aqpr$2t982$>,
> The Corp <> wrote:
>> Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has raised concerns about the future of the
>> United States, saying the current political climate has created a one-in-
>> three chance for civil war.
>> In an interview with The Financial Times this week, Mr Dalio described how
>> the polarization of American politics has contributed to an extremely
>> turbulen time in history.
>> "We are now on the brink," Mr Dalio told the news outlet, adding that he
>> sees a 35 to 40% probability of a second civil war.
>> He clarified that the civil war he sees is not one where people "grab
>> guns and start shooting" but one where people stop seeing the middle ground
>> in politics. But he imagines, "People move to different states that are
>> more aligned with what they want and they don't follow the decisions of
>> federal authorities of the opposite political persuasion," Mr Dalio said.
> Oh, you mean like 'sanctuary cities'?
>> Studies have shown that Americans are growing more politically polarized
>> now than ever before. A Pew Research Poll found that only 32% of
>> Americans have a roughly equal number of conservative and liberal positions
>> -- compared to 49% in 2004.
>> Contentious election cycles are becoming more common, which contributes to
>> the growing rift between both political parties.
>> Social media has made it easy for like-minded extremists to connect and
>> support each other which emboldens people to take radical action. Like
>> those who organized protests and eventually stormed the Capitol on January
>> 6, 2021.
> Notice how this author only uses examples of Republican violence.
> No mention whatsoever of an entire summer full of cities on fire,
> businesses smashed and looted, people killed. Leftists taking over
> entire sections of a city, declaring it off limits to police, fire, and
> EMS, patrolling it with "assault rifles" (which are supposedly anathema
> to the left), then committing all manner of crime inside its boundaries,
> to include rape and murder. And all with the tacit (and often overt)
> approval of leftist government officials, news media, and celebrities.
> But the media is objective and unbiased. Just ask them, they'll tell you
> so.

Note that FT is a european newspaper, hence it is very common with 
the Trump is satan narrative.

I think the only "right" country in europe is probably switzerland and a 
few countries in eastern europe. In those countries newspapers you will 
read about what faults of the democrats.

As for the prediction I don't think it is unfeasible that there will be 
bigger moves to more freedom-oriented states. If any of those states will 
then choose to disregard the central government, it will become very 
interesting to see what will happen.

I very much doubt they will send military men against their own, that will 
only makes things worse.