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From: shawn <>
Subject: Re: "Speak Out Loudly Against This Evil": Internet Erupts Over Biden Declaring Easter "Trans Day Of Visibility"
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 04:46:21 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Mon, 01 Apr 2024 23:34:59 -0700, The Horny Goat <>

>On Sun, 31 Mar 2024 04:30:44 -0400, Ubiquitous <>
>>“I have as low an opinion of Biden as you can possibly have and yet this is 
>>so outrageously evil that I had to check to make sure it was real. It is,” 
>>Daily Wire host and author Matt Walsh said. “Our ‘catholic’ president has 
>>chosen the highest holiday on the Christian calendar to celebrate 
>>transgenderism. This man is a demon.”
>That's an exaggeration but no question, were I an American I'd vote
>for anybody BUT Biden solely on the basis of that.

Then you would be as foolish as the MAGA faithful I see making a fuss
over this. The day has always been celebrated on March 31st. It just
so happens that this year Easter Sunday also happens to be on March
31st. So it isn't like Biden or anyone else was doing something
against Christianity. 

>I have no particular problem with him setting such a day on any other
>day but to do it on the highest high holy day on the Christian
>calendar shows a level of insensitivity unworthy of any candidate for
>high office. I wouldn't do it on Yom Kippur or Eid either.

I wonder what Jesus would say about the intolerance being exposed
here. Sure seems to go against some of the tenets of Christianity to
>And to do it in an election year even marks it as either just plain
>stupidity OR an allegiance to an agenda that is completely out of
>touch with his nation.

Or he's not playing politics with the subject by attempting to move
the celebration to another day. Not that he could move the day since
it isn't a national holiday but one that was setup by a trans advocate
and appears to be supported by GLADD. (At least as far as I know
there's no federal support for the day other than recognizing it
>If you want to be president you simply have to avoid unforced errors
>like that. Moral of the story is this move was either highly stupid or
>highly evil and I for one wouldn't want a president who was either. 
>Somehow I don't see Eisenhower, Kennedy Johnson or even Nixon doing
>Now let's be clear I'm NOT a fan of his GOP competition either so I
>would guess there are at least 50 million Americans who in 7 months
>time will go to the ballot box wishing either party had nominated most
>>>anybody<< else.