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From: Xocyll <Xocyll@gmx.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Ooh! Mechwarrior 5: The Clans is Out
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 12:57:34 -0400
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Justisaur <justisaur@gmail.com> looked up from reading the entrails of
the porn spammer to utter  "The Augury is good, the signs say:

>Mechwarrior, I played probably 2 and 3 and enjoyed them quite a bit. 
>I'm not sure why I never tried 4, or maybe I did and just don't 
>remember.  I like mechs, and have played a few other mech games, but 
>nothing really grabbed me (well EDF, but the mechs are a tiny part of 
>the game, and One Must Fall, but that's just a side arcade battle game 
>with mech skins.)

Mechwarrior4 is when Microsoft took over the franchise and it changed
quite a bit.  Fixed weapon slots on the mechs that could only take an
energy weapon or a projectile weapon or a missile.
The mechs also lost their ponderousness, and while that plays to the
Battletech novels about how nimble the things are supposed to be (some
kind of artificial muscle moving them not standard robotic gears and
such,) it lacked gravitas.

Also they did NOT have Mechwarrior 3's destructible terrain.

>More actiony sounds better to me, so I'd possibly enjoy it.  There's so 
>much to play and try though, I'll leave it until it's on deep discount 
>if I'm ever even so interested to try it.

I actually bought mech5 a while back and found it a bit meh, since the
campaign forces you solo against loads of enemies guaranteeing your mech
will require repairs that will take longer than you have before the next
mission - 2-3 of those and you literally have no mech to drive for the
next mission.

Think I'll skip clans, but they might get me again if they put out a
:Mercs, Mech2:mercs and mech4:mercs were the best of their relative
groups.   Pity there was never a mech3:mercs though, just mech3 and
pirates moon.
