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Subject: Re: Langevin's paradox again
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From: Richard Hachel <r.hachel@tiscali.fr>
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Le 13/07/2024 à 10:27, Thomas Heger a écrit :
> Am Samstag000013, 13.07.2024 um 09:30 schrieb Thomas Heger:
> ...
>> After university he went to Bern and worked in the patent office there.
>> But state officials (called 'Beamte' in German) needed to be born 
>> citizens (at least in Germany) in those days.
> The word 'Amt' is the critical point here!
> Usualy the German 'Patentamt' is translated to 'patent office'.
> But this would blur the distiction between private and state owned offices.
> 'Amt' means 'office', but has a certain important difference to the 
> English word 'office'.
> The German 'Amt' necessarily means 'state owned' and is more related to 
> the English 'agency'.
> The word 'Amt' is now the root of 'Beamter'.
> Beamter can be decomposed to 'be made a member of the staff of an Amt'.
> In such a position you get a certain status, which is usually very 
> desirable, like lifelong emploiment and generous pensions.
> Such a status was usually granted only to born citizens in the German 
> speaking world, because you need to represent the state as Beamter and 
> had to swear a certain oath.
> Now the Germann word 'Patentamt' (patent office') contains the phrase 
> 'Amt', hence only 'Beamte' were allowed to work there.
> And since only born citizens were allowed as 'Beamter' (state 
> officials), Einstein needed to be born in Swizzerland.
> (today this is a little different, but in the early 20th century, the 
> state was still very authoritarian and had certain ideas about how to 
> recruit the state's employees)
> Iow: his CV was a most likely faked.
> And if something was wrong, all other parts are also questionable, too, 
> especially his name and being jewish.
> The last sounds strange, but Einstein actually declined the presidency 
> of Israel, which was offered to him.
> A good reason to do that would have been, if he wasn't a Jew.
> TH

There are indeed quite a few things that pose problems in the life of 
Albert Einstein.
Perhaps the most important is this: he worked at the Berne patent office 
as a copyist, and he had the opportunity to read the patents he copied, to 
validate them.
It is very strange that it took a few years for the greatest mathematician 
in the world, who communicated with Lorentz, Langevin and many others, and 
with considerable experience, to come out with the correct Lorentz 
transformations that everyone was looking for (Lorentz he himself wrote 
horrible pieces which were false).
Poincaré will in fact release the correct transformations in June 1905 
after much reflection.
And bang, an unknown copyist from the copy office brought out a similar 
article with the same name "on the kinematics of the electron" with the 
same transformations in September 1905.
Aged 27!!!
Richard Hachel took 40 years to perfect his own SR.
But there is more abnormal.
Einstein said at the time that he did not know Poincaré, and that "his 
work was independent."
Except that a few years before his death, he said: "I had read Poincaré's 
book, during our youth meetings with my few local friends, and I had been 
literally captivated by the style and knowledge of French" .
He therefore lied by saying that he did not know Poincaré.
For what?
Did Poincaré smell like a fool that he was ashamed to report that he had 
been read?
Things have been abnormal.
A theory circulated that Albert Einstein was only a nominee for certain 
German physicists who did not want, in these times of Franco-German war, 
to give the primacy of the theory of relativity to a French 
