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NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:04:30 +0000
From: john larkin <jlarkin_highland_tech>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: Electric vehicle battery fires, what to know and how to react
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 08:04:31 -0700
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On Sun, 25 Aug 2024 11:42:25 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>

>On a sunny day (Sun, 25 Aug 2024 09:54:36 +0100) it happened
>liz@poppyrecords.invalid.invalid (Liz Tuddenham) wrote in
>>Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid> wrote:
>>> Electric vehicle battery fires - what to know and how to react
>>> It's very rare, but lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles can catch fire.
>>> https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/08/electric-vehicle-battery-fires-what-t
>>> o-know-and-how-to-react/
>>> Good to know how to react when you electric car is on fire...
>>So sales of fire extinguishers will plummet as there is no point in
>>carrying one. 
>I do not even have one, but to get out of the upstairs bedroom here I have a rope ready...

We have a built-in ladder that accesses our flat roof from the bedroom
deck. After that, we could walk almost the entire block on peoples'

>Downstairs a 250 Ah lipo battery pack, those are supposed to not ignite
>I have no 'lectric' car (yet?)
>My bike will be OK...
>Lots of Lipo batteries around the house, drone, radios, all sorts of stuff.
>Storms here, maybe I should get a wind powered generator
>may need a building permit ....

Does residential wind power make any sense?