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From: john larkin <jl@glen--canyon.com>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Subject: Re: more X-rays  Silvertel PoE Supply
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2024 13:45:56 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 02 Oct 2024 15:50:31 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>

>On a sunny day (Wed, 02 Oct 2024 07:45:04 -0700) it happened john larkin
><JL@gct.com> wrote in <v6mqfjd93ib6q8j7d7ontsaouidieh5b2u@4ax.com>:
>>On Wed, 02 Oct 2024 06:22:43 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
>>>On a sunny day (Tue, 01 Oct 2024 14:16:09 -0700) it happened john larkin
>>><jl@glen--canyon.com> wrote in <tipofjdtie76lbtd7lc2ger5uo7sglq3p5@4ax.com>:
>>>Cannot make out much from those x-rays, pictures are better...
>>>you can probably see the traces just like that?
>>The x-rays are fun, but are admittedly more useful for an opaque
>>potted module or an IC or discrete semi. I can prety well trace the
>>Silvertel without them.
>>I have a gigantic scary Carribean guy who does the xrays and I wanted
>>an excuse for taking him to lunch, which turned into an interesting
>>hike around The Bernal Cut. He trashed the xray system software, and
>>had to rebuild it, and now it can do movies, which is great.
>>I'd like to have some products that can be powered by PoE or a wart,
>>and may want to put two 24-volt PoE supplies in series to get 48, so I
>>need to understand how they work. The xrays just help a bit.
>>(When burials were outlawed in San Francisco, a railroad was
>>constructed to Colma for all the dead bodies and headstones. That
>>forced the Bernal Cut to be dug with people and mules. Colma now has
>>more dead people than live ones. Some parts of San Francisco are paved
>>with old headstones that nobody wanted to pay to ship.
>>https://www.bernalcut.org/  )
>Found it with google maps...
>Do you make Xray movies of living things?

I guess we could. All sorts of objects.

I'd like to do one of my hands, which I think has a foreign object
inside, but the machine is too heavily interlocked.

I had an uncle who got a foot xray for arthritis and they saw a small
nail inside his toe. He had no idea how it got there.