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From: Athel Cornish-Bowden <me@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: sci.lang, alt.usage.english
Subject: Re: HenHanna
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 10:42:04 +0200
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On 2024-04-06 07:59:35 +0000, Ruud Harmsen said:

> Sat, 6 Apr 2024 09:42:47 +0200: Clucker <cluck@cluck.cluck> scribeva:
>> On 05/04/2024 14:35, db wrote:
>>> I note that almost all postings here are ostensibly
>>> from one HenHanna. Can it be that this person has
>>> posted all these, or is this a pseudonym given to
>>> a lot of actual people?
>> No collective pseudonym, just one deranged idiot.
> I think: a sincere and honest person, somewhere on the autistic
> spectrum, therefore understood by few. Strong on details, that others
> might think are irrelevant.
> I see the hate

"hate" is an exaggeration

>  he unwillingly

How do you know that it's not deliberate?

>  invokes in some as a form of
> discrimination, or ignorance at best.

"Ignorance" is nonsense. We have known HenHanna at alt.usage.english 
from long before you appeared there. "Discrimation": what basis do you 
have for saying that? Is there anyone else you think is discriminated 
against?  Yourself, perhaps, when you first appeared at 
alt.usage.english and immediately started telling people who had been 
there for years how they should post. Does it surprise you that no one 
liked that?

So far as HenHanna is concerned, here are some things that annoy people:

1. Refusing to format messages in a normal way;

2. Refusing to use normal punctuation;

3. Refusing to use capitals when they are needed (beginnings of 
sentences, the pronoun I, etc.);

4. Ignoring all suggestions (and not offering arguments against them);

5. Using abbreviations like pls and ppl that may be acceptable in SMS 
messages, but are not acceptable in a group devoted to English usage;

6. Insisting on signing as HH after being told several times that there 
was already an HH at alt.usage.english who had been there much earlier. 
(He's gone now, but was a regular when HenHanna arrived.)

>  Perhaps if you think more, and
> realise we cannot be all the same?

>> P.S. The reason s/he is the only poster here is because the other
>> regulars (Shepelev, Steve Hayes) have fled to AUE.

Athel -- French and British, living in Marseilles for 37 years; mainly 
in England until 1987.