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From: John <Man@the.keyboard>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: coloring book...
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 14:56:08 +0100
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On Sat, 11 May 2024 13:25:23 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
<chris.m.thomasson.1@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 5/11/2024 11:19 AM, John wrote:
>> On Sat, 11 May 2024 01:52:50 -0700, "Chris M. Thomasson"
>> <chris.m.thomasson.1@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 5/10/2024 11:11 PM, Chris M. Thomasson wrote:
>>>> Hello everybody. Well, I just managed to publish my first book called
>>>> “Fractal Life 247 Coloring Book”. A coloring book of all things!
>>> [...]
>>> I updated the price to 9.99$ because too many people told me that 7.42$
>>> for a 99 page coloring book was too cheap for my work. I can take up to
>>> 72 hours to reflect the change.
>>   Oh. Right. Sorry. I should read the whole thread *FIRST*. :)
>No problem. Actually, this coloring book is a first step. I am outlining 
>a companion book that shows some of my algorithms and how to implement 
>them in pure C++.

 C++ is pure? 

 Since when? 



 It looks neat. Nice. The sort of thing I would like. Are you going to
sell it in civilised countries such as UKland so we don't pay a
thousand bux in postage? 

 Have you any plans to translate it into Chinese, Hindi, Japanese and
Russian? Those guys like maths.  You probably don't need to translate
the code, though that might need transliterating into their local
symbologies to fit with local keyboards. 

 I don't know, I've never done that. :)

 You could ask Adacrypt for advice? 
