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From: Arno Welzel <>
Subject: Re: DOJ is correct that Apple iPhone is far less secure than Android
 when RCS messaging is involved
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 08:03:52 +0200
Lines: 36
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Anonymous, 2024-04-21 06:33:

> Alan wrote:
>> On 2024-04-19 14:03, Anonymous wrote:
>>> Alan wrote:
>>>>> Mexico has fierce gun laws
>>>>> and a much higher murder rate.
>>>> And there is a lot more poverty in Mexico.
>>> Poverty doesn't cause crime.
>> Poverty leads to desperation, and desperate people do what they need to do to 
>> survive.
> Poverty is the natural state of man. There are plenty of poor civilized people,
> and I don't see them turning their neighborhoods into crime-ridden ghettos.

No, poverty is not the "natural state" of man. Poverty is a state where
the income of people is much lower than the average and others are
richer in comparison.

If all people in a society are more or less equal, it is not "poverty".

You are right, that poverty does not automatically lead to crime. But
often this is the case, since poverty can lead to desperation due to the
fact, that people realize quite well that their poverty is not a
"natural state" but because of others who are much richer and don't want
them to have the same opportunities and power.

Arno Welzel