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Path: ...!!!!not-for-mail
From: Jolly Roger <>
Subject: Re: It's a myth that cellphone use caused the accident rate to rise
 in the USA
Date: 29 May 2024 21:31:40 GMT
Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
Lines: 29
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 <v2v70b$pkq2$> <v2vfbf$mks$>
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On 2024-05-29, Carlos E.R. <robin_listas@es.invalid> wrote:
> On 2024-05-29 17:44, Newyana2 wrote:
>> On 5/29/2024 11:22 AM, Chris wrote:
>>> You realise this is "arlen", right? This is his MO. Fire off dozens
>>> of posts and threads on the same topic with no interest in having a
>>> discussion. Unless, of course, with sycophants.
>>   Arlen, really? How do people identify him?
> We have correlated the identity Andrew with him months ago. He is made
> many posts with it, the identification is easy.
> He has several quirks of language. One is saying he speak facts, when
> there are none in evidence. Another is insulting. If I see some new
> name that insults me out of the blue, there are high chances that it
> is him.
> He changes names often. He may refer to posts he made under another
> name.

He also replies to his own posts with different names in order to give
the appearance his positions are more popular than they are. 

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