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Path: ...!!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: Arno Welzel <>
Subject: Re: Turn your device completely off once a week as per advice from
 the NSA today
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 17:43:04 +0200
Lines: 40
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Chris, 2024-06-03 16:52:

> Andrew <> wrote:
>> Andy Burns wrote on Mon, 3 Jun 2024 10:45:39 +0100 :
>>>> My point only is that this doesn't portend an ability to turn off bluetooth
>>>> in later releases because Google & Apple make too much $ off tracking us.
>>> But do they really make money from knowing where I am?
>> I appreciate that you're asking good questions, where I think in this very
>> thread we saw an article that Mayayana cited that says yes.
>> Apple & Google make money off of keeping track of our location.
> Is this another of your unsubstantiated claims?

No, it is called "location based service". This was already a business
model way before smartphones existed. In the past phone companies sold
location based services based on triangulation of the base stations
connected to the phone.

BTDT - I have written software using this to locate the next available
pharmacy with emergency services in Germany when a user requests this by
either sending an SMS to a specific number and he will then get the list
of pharmacies as response or by using a WAP browser and visiting a
specific WAP site which offers this as a service.

Of course the phone company asked for money for every location request.
And this had to be paid by the company providing that pharmacy location
service and not by the users.

Nowadays location based services are of course more often used to
distribute advertisements or to determine good locations to open the
next fast food restaurant etc..

Arno Welzel