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Path: ...!!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: Arno Welzel <>
Subject: Re: Why do so many people confuse Google's Firebase (cloud API) with
 Google Services Google Firebase App Indexing (search results)?
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 11:19:00 +0200
Lines: 24
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Andrew, 2024-06-27 23:03:

> There's a reason I said that nobody understands Firebase, and there's a
> reason I said that as a result, this would be a difficult question to
> answer. The only people who thought it was easy are those who only read the
> first page but who were completely unaware of the second page of Firebase.

Well - let's say, Firebase is like Android itself - a collection of
things running on your smartphone.

It makes no sense at all to refer to "Firebase" when talking about
security relevant features. Always specify what component you are
talking about like "Firebase Cloud Messaging" or "Firebase App Indexing".

However I don't believe that Google wants to hide things or confuse
users - it's just many services where the guys at Google themself got
confused at some points how to name the things and how to organize
everything in a common library for developers.

Arno Welzel