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From: rbowman <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Workstation Aesthetics
Date: 30 Jun 2024 04:29:30 GMT
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On Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:50:07 -0400, Joel wrote:

> You dismiss Kamala, that quick?

In a New York minute. This is a woman who stuck a toe in the water and 
folded even before Iowa. She hasn't done well with the chores assigned to 
her and when speaking off the cuff makes even less sense than Biden. 

Gabbard would have been a much better choice but she pissed off the queen 
bee and that's still death at the DNC. 

> Kennedy is a joke, Stein I would vote for in protest of Israel *IF*
> the Republicans were not running DJT.

Stein manages to hit enough issues to piss many people off. I'd mentioned 
Stein to a liberal lesbian acquaintance and got an unexpected amount of 
vitriol.  'She's a VAXXER!'. Up until that point I didn't even know Stein 
had taken a stand. This was pre-covid so it was a RFK style vaxxer. 

It's all moot for me. For presidential elections the last time this state 
went blue was in '92. No love for Clinton but Perot grabbed enough Bush 
votes to let Clinton win.  The time before that was when Goldwater lost in 
one of the few instances I would call a landslide.