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From: Jolly Roger <jollyroger@pobox.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.systems,uk.comp.sys.mac
Subject: Re: Updating macOS Ventura v13.6.9 to v13.7 got stuck when I was
 out. :/
Date: 18 Sep 2024 16:47:18 GMT
Organization: People for the Ethical Treatment of Pirates
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On 2024-09-18, Jörg Lorenz <hugybear@gmx.net> wrote:
> On 17.09.24 15:09, Ant wrote:
>> In comp.sys.mac.systems Alan Browne <bitbucket@blackhole.com> wrote:
>>> On 2024-09-17 00:55, Jörg Lorenz wrote:
>>>> On 17.09.24 02:14, Ant wrote:
>>>>> Updating macOS Ventura v13.6.9 to v13.7 got stuck when I was out. :/
>>>>> Basically, I told 13" Intel 2020 MBP's macOS to update its Safari and
>>>>> macOS Ventura to v13.7 while I was out since it takes a while to
>>>>> download, prepare, upgrade, and finish. I came home and MBP was
>>>>> asleep. I thought it was done so I woke it up and the screen blinked
>>>>> and showed me
>>>>> https://matrix.zimage.com/_matrix/media/v3/download/ross154.net/rJetbpwFfEkNGXPcPaJwxlmU/FullSizeRender.jpg
>>>>> (photo). I waited for 15 minutes, and it was still there at the same
>>>>> status. MBP wasn't even warm so it's not doing anything I think.
>>>>> Usually, upgrades makes MBP warm/hot. :(
>>>>> So, I held the power button to force a shut off, booted back up, but
>>>>> nothing. I tried again without power AC, monitor, and 3.5mm speaker
>>>>> cable. Now, it worked. That scared me. I was able to boot up and log
>>>>> into macOS Ventura v13.6.9.
>>>>> So, should I try again since I never had this issue before? :/ Thank you
>>>>> for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)
>>>> Upgrade to 15.0 "Sequoia".
>>>> What you are doing is utter nonsense to upgrade to a system out of support.
>>> macOS Sequoia (15.0) was released to the public on 2024-09-16.
>>> Your nuts are numb.  Again.
>> Ventura is still supported. I will update to newer major version later on.
> You understand not much:
> https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/10/apple-clarifies-security-update-policy-only-the-latest-oses-are-fully-patched/

Go ahead and tell us which patches are missing from Ventura, since you
are supposedly so knowledgeable, Jerk.

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