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From: rbowman <bowman@montana.com>
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Subject: Re: The joy of actual numbers, was Democracy
Date: 10 Nov 2024 01:35:21 GMT
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On Sat, 9 Nov 2024 22:00:07 +0100, D wrote:

> Reminds me, 5 years ago I saw deer in central Stockholm! Apparently
> they'd been swimming from some place and somehow appeared in the middle
> of the city.


Missoula is a tenth the size of Stockholm and is surrounded by wild lands 
but the deer are sort of mobile lawn ornaments. I've seen them look both 
ways before crossing a street which is more than some of the homeless do.

There's a whole program aimed at discouraging bears.


The bears even have their own web page.


"As fall progresses into winter and snow levels increase in the 
surrounding mountains more lions will be relocating to the lower 
elevations where big game winter. Remember, wherever you see deer or elk 
activity expect mountain lions to be in the vicinity."

That's one of the problems with having a lot of deer; cats love a nice 
venison dinner.