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From: vallor <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Redundant online storage (was: Re: My First HDD Failure (I Think))
Date: 24 Nov 2024 02:24:03 GMT
Lines: 60
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References: <pan$8b2e9$1f456269$6b5d1b4$>
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On Sat, 23 Nov 2024 09:25:30 -0500, DFS <guhnoo-basher@linux.advocaca>
wrote in <vhsoki$1o2pn$>:

> On 11/23/2024 12:10 AM, vallor wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Nov 2024 17:36:35 -0600, Physfitfreak <>
>> wrote in <vhr4i3$15lr9$>:
>>> How the hell does one back up all that?
>> Thanks to Dufus falling out of my killfile, I saw his reply to
>> your post.
>> So I thought I'd answer you:
>> And you'll need 8 of something like this:
>> And...size components to fit budget.  Consider that you probably want
>> 10Gbe connectivity to your NAS, so you might need a new NIC for your
>> computer, too.
>> $ df -tnfs4 -h
>> Filesystem                    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> [...]
>>      39T   27T   12T  69% /nfs/ds
>> (I have a new Synology sitting in the box, along with two sets
>> of disks for two new volumes.  Haven't got a round tuit to get
>> it online yet.)
> Taking the piss?  FizzClit doesn't need $5K of hardware and 176TB to 
> backup his pirated material.

They say "go big or go home."  Quoting the high end was to
"take the piss" out of wusshead with his degrading SATA
connection to his "failing" drive (or through his
"failing" SATA connection).  Which is why I said "size
components to fit your budget."

You could get one of these and do RAID1:

However, sizing the NAS for the future is always a good idea.

Anything important -- such as backups of /home -- should live on
redundant media, one way or another.

(BTW, notice how the OP didn't post his log entries, or even
know of smartctl?  I'll leave it to your judgement how much
of a "professional" Crazed Laughing Boy is.)

-v System76 Thelio Mega v1.1 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti
   OS: Linux 6.12.0 Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 258G
   "A pessimist is never disappointed."