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From: Joerg <>
Subject: Re: electrical deaths
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 14:24:11 -0800
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On 11/26/24 6:53 PM, john larkin wrote:
> The US (0.63 PPM) is probably low partly because we have mostly 120
> volt gadgets. I usually wire boxes hot, and get tickled now and then,
> no big deal.
> Some countries are astounding.

Twice the line voltage makes a difference. Also, some countries such as 
Germany have non-polarized wall outlets which was a clear mistake on the 
part of the standards guys. Think toasters and forks.

Risk taking is probably the biggest contributor. Like the handyman who 
was standing on a metal ladder _in_ a public swimming pool, drilling a 
hole in the ceiling above using a 230V power drill. Far from the next 
outlet so multiple extension cords in a row and one of the couplings was 
down in the water.

Regards, Joerg