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Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: vallor <>
Subject: Re: Racist Apple is targeting blacks only and abusing white women to
 do it.
Followup-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: 11 Dec 2024 18:27:59 GMT
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On Wed, 11 Dec 2024 10:19:10 -0800, Alan <> wrote in

> On 2024-12-11 09:29, Joel wrote:
>> Alan <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Apple uses a kernel called XNU that they developed from Mach and
>>>>>>>>> other sources with huge amounts of their own work as well.
>>>>>>>>> Now, here's a question for you:
>>>>>>>>> Why is it even important which kernel Apple uses?
>>>>>>>> They didn't build it from scratch, like Winblows NT did.  Why did
>>>>>>>> Gates hire Cutler?  Why did Apple wish they could've?
>>>>>>> Why SHOULD they build it from scratch.
>>>>>> *That* is the question, believe it or not.
>>>>> One you're not answering...
>>>> Why do you think we call GNU/Linux mainly "Linux", it's a tribute to
>>>> Torvalds for being beyond a genius.
>>> That still doesn't answer the question.
>> I can boot my modern PC with Linux, because a person with the mind to
>> create a kernel exists.  Apple never acquired a programmer quite on
>> that level, clearly.
> And again:
> What does it matter WHO wrote the kernel?
> What's important is that the computer works.
> And macOS works.


$ ./use_pathconf /
$ uname -a
Darwin Mac-Studio 23.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.2.0: Wed Nov 15 21:55:06 
PST 2023; root:xnu-10002.61.3~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020 arm64

1024?  tsk tsk tsk.

(fu2: cola)

-v System76 Thelio Mega v1.1 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti
   OS: Linux 6.12.4 Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 258G
   ""How to Catch Worms" by Earl E. Bird"