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From: rbowman <bowman@montana.com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Remember "Bit-Slice" Chips ?
Date: 16 Dec 2024 20:55:42 GMT
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On Mon, 16 Dec 2024 10:58:52 +0100, D wrote:

> What!? Aren't they about nature and stuff? Or are they a religious
> organization in the US?

A little bit but the troop I was in didn't take it seriously. We met in 
the basement of the Dutch Reformed church but that didn't mean anything 
other than it was a more suitable meeting space than the Catholic church 

Many years later the LDS became very active in scouting locally and 
sponsored a couple of troops, Some of my neighbors wouldn't let their kids 
join from fear that they would come home converted. I'm not sure what the 
LDS is doing now that the Boy Scouts became coed. I know they didn't buy 
into the idea. Maybe they have their own fork.