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From: rbowman <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: The problem with not owning the software
Date: 4 Jan 2025 20:25:10 GMT
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On Sat, 4 Jan 2025 11:45:38 -0500, DFS wrote:

> I agree there is significant overlap/duplication/confusion between
> Win10/11 Settings and Control Panel.  Either it was too much work to
> migrate all the Control Panel functionality at once to Settings, or they
> left Control Panel intact for a while because of the massive installed
> base that expects it.

That's been a problem for as long as I've used Windows. "Where the hell 
did they put it this time?"  Sometimes it's obscure. If I'm trying to find 
the thumbprint of a certificate how do I do it? I think you can do it 
through the Control Panel although I start mmc and load the snapin. How do 
you find the timeout for DCOM? I think that's dcommgr but I can never 
remember the exact name. MS isn't very consistent. It's taskmgr but is it 

Sometimes it seems to be only a name change like 'Add Remove Programs'. 
However the change means the icon winds up in a new place on the panel. A 
few time the changes did add clarity. Having two odbc32 executables, one 
of which actually handled 64-bit connections was brilliant. Then there's 
SysWOW64 for 32-bit apps and system32 for 64-bit.

None of the functionality has changed for at least 25 years when NT 4 and 
ME came together.