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From: Snidely <>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english
Subject: Re: irfanview is good at... extracting a page (as Jpg, Png) from a PDF file.
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:00:05 -0700
Organization: Dis One
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Rich Ulrich presented the following explanation :

> I found the date-as-name extremely useful when I set about
> organizing the files I obtained when I had 10,000 slides scanned.
> They had been shot by my dad, featuring celebrations, vacations
> (people and viewss) and special events. This was about 30 years
> after he died, after my mom moved and was sorting things out,
> so discoloration was the problem that was more time-consuming
> than figuring the actual, original dates. 
> I have also found useful a free program called Bulk Rename Utility,
> which gives great flexibility in re-defining names. 

BRU is indeed nice.  XnView[MP] has some nice renaming features, but 
BRU covers a whole lot more.


"That's a good sort of hectic, innit?"

" Very much so, and I'd recommend the haggis wontons."