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From: Xocyll <Xocyll@gmx.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Ooh! Mechwarrior 5: The Clans is Out
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 04:07:34 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Spalls Hurgenson <spallshurgenson@gmail.com> looked up from reading the
entrails of the porn spammer to utter  "The Augury is good, the signs

>On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 05:56:38 -0400, Xocyll <Xocyll@gmx.com> wrote:
>>>I've got Mech5:Mercs.  I love it, but it's a bit repetitive after a while and
>>>I'm starting to lose interest.  I haven't purchased any of the DLCs and am
>>>only about 10 missions in.
>>I should have looked at my steam library before posting.
>>What I have is mech5:mercs not mech5 basic.
>Mostly because there was no "Mech 5 Basic". 
>On PC, the Mechwarrior franchise included: 
>   Mechwarrior 1
>   Mechwarrior 2 (with MW2: Ghost Bear's Legacy and MW2: Mercenaries) 
>   Mechwarrior 3 (with MW3: Pirates Moon) 
>   Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance (and MW 4: Mercenaries)
>   (Living Legends, unofficial)

You forgot MW4: Black Knight

>   Mechwarrior: Online
>   Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries 
>     and now 
>   Mechwarrior 5: Clans
>Because MW5:Mercenaries was, for the last 5 years, the _only_
>Mechwarrior 5 game, the 'Mercenaries' subtitle was often dropped. So
>you'll hear people talking about "Mechwarrior 5" but what they really
>mean is "Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries"
>MW5:Mercs isn't a bad game. I enjoyed it enough to not only play it
>multiple times, but buy a bunch of the DLC. But -as mentioned by
>others- it does get fairly repetitive, and the AI is significantly
>The maps are re-used a lot and a lot of the procedurally-generated
>missions (which form the bulk of your adventures as a mercenary) are
>identical other than a reshuffling of what enemies you face. The
>brain-dead AI has the enemies run right into your fire (no attempt to
>flank or try to take you out from afar), and the developers are forced
>to rely on numbers rather than smarts to provide challenge. Too many
>missions require my tiny four-men squad take out literal dozens of
>bad-guys. It's tedious, and goes against the tone of the setting,
>where expensive battlemechs are never tossed away so haphazardly.
>"Clans" apparently (or so claim the reviews) improves on the former,
>as its single-player campaign features mostly hand-crafted missions.
>But it's still not clear whether the AI has improved any.
>Still, damn if I'm not tempted to buy the game already rather than
>wait for it to drop in price (and get all the bugs and kinks worked
>out). I just love me some rompy-stompy robots!

Yeah, the MW ones, the "gears" of Heavy Gear 1+2, and another one I
vaguely recall called Slave Zero.
