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From: Joel <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Linux 6.11
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 18:14:38 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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DFS <> wrote:

>>>> Microsoft Windows on a computer you keep a long time,
>>> I ran my last system ~12 years.  Same mobo and case and power supply,
>>> but upgraded the RAM and video card and storage and monitor.
>> And with Linux, that box would still be like new.
>nah... it was fully depreciated the minute you flooded it with GuhNoo 
>Put 2 computers on eBay: one with Linux and one with Windows (price the 
>Windows system to account for the license).  See which one sells first.

Microsoft spares no expense in making Winblows easy to use.  A
hardcore PC user knows to avoid that bloat.

>>>> depending on that arbitrary, aging version,
>>> meaningless babble
>>> Keep this in mind: most of the world will use desktop Windows their
>>> entire lives.
>> Speaking of "meaningless", "most of the world" isn't motivated to know
>> about the alternative.
>That's one of the common excuses.  It's probably true that lots of 
>people don't care about the OS - as long as it's Windows and will open 
>and run their work files, they're fine.

And you would judge what's best, based on them?

>>>> until your computer finally blows its brains out.
>>> ha!  So far my Windows systems exhibit no suicidal ideation.
>> And yet you did finally replace it, to get Win11.
>No.  The mobo died after 12 years.
>So I got a new motherboard, CPU and RAM, and put Win10 on it for a time. 
>  Then Win11 not long after it came out.

It's quite possible that the motherboard would've had a longer life
with Linux, although you didn't do too bad, admittedly.

>>>> I choose Linux.
>>> And Wine to run Windows apps.
>> Very selected, minor ones.
>minor?  They were your 2 favorite apps.

Agent probably is my favorite app, yeah, but it's still *one* app. I'm
using mIRC more like an IRC bot, now, using IRCCloud for my primary
connection on both devices.

>Have you actually embraced Linux/FOSS yet?  Or are you still clinging to 
>that superior proprietary code?

I run plenty of native Linux software.

>>> I'm just not close to being willing to give up MS Office, Notepad++,
>>> SumatraPDF and other apps in exchange for the Linux alternatives.  FML
>>> if I was ever forced to use LibreOffice and Thunar every day - that is
>>> some seriously craptastic software.
>> You would put up with Win11
>Win11 is peachy.  VERY trouble free.  Only problem I've had is with 
>Windows Update (and it's not very obtrusive).
>Security Update for Windows (KB5041585)
>Failed to install on 8/25/2024 - 0x800f0922
>That failure has been happening for a month at least.  And now it says:
>There's no excuse.

That's M$ proprietary crapware, for you.

> > Copilot for that shit?  Christ.
>CoPilot is optional.  But with GuhNoo, you can't escape the hobby slime.

You can turn Copilot off, sure, but they are making it the new name of
the OS, basically.  I say, jump ship.

Joel W. Crump

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

[...] No state shall make or enforce any law which shall
abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.

Dobbs rewrites this, it is invalid precedent.  States are
liable for denying needed abortions, e.g. TX.