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From: shawn <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-18 (Tuesday)
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:20:46 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 19 Jun 2024 09:39:12 -0700, "Ian J. Ball" <ijball@mac.invalid>

>I have today (Juneteenth!) off, which means after work and errands 
>yesterday, I planned to kick back and watch some movies (which I also 
>intend to do today!).
>So, I watched:

>The Marvels (Disney+) - Actually, I didn't hate this.
>    In fact, Stinky Cheese Larson is mostly tolerable in this one. (They 
>obviously made a concerted effort to tone her awfulness *way down*!)
>    I think Arthur remarked that he liked the first part of the movie 
>better, where the three women keep switching places (upon using their 
>powers), and I agree that that was the best part of the film.
>    The movie stars dragging and becoming less engaging probably right 
>after they visited the planet full of musical theater nerds.
>    But, anyway, of the recent post-"Endgame" Marvel flicks, this one is 
>in the middle of the pack - it's not awful like "Ant-Man 3" or "Love and 
>Thunder" but neither is it good like GotG, Vol. 3. It's maybe roughly at 
>the level of "Black Widow".

I thought BLACK WIDOW was a better movie than this one. Though that
may be because I liked the characters more than these characters.
(Though I do like Ms Marvel.)

>    I was pleased as punch to see Hailee Steinfeld at the end, which 
>seems to be setting up a (Young?) Avengers flick with her and Ms. Marvel 
>- and yet, there is no "Young Avengers" flick in the pipeline?! [shrug]
>    The mid-credits scene clearly seems to be setting up "Deadpool & 
>Wolverine". And this flick doesn't have a post-credits scene which I 
>though was interesting.
>    P.S. The CGI Beast in this looks really bad, way worse than Beast 
>looked in the earlier "X-Men" flicks!!

The enemy in this movie never did it for me. Sure the things she did
was bad but I never felt she was a proper villain.
>What did you watch?