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From: Charles Packer <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
Subject: Re: MT VOID, 04/26/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 43, Whole Number 2325
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 07:19:29 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sun, 28 Apr 2024 21:05:55 -0500, Jay E. Morris wrote:

> On 4/28/2024 9:38 AM, Evelyn C. Leeper wrote:
>> The Guys at "Classical Stuff You Should Know"  have gotten to Richard
>> III in their seemingly endless history of the Plantagenets (sixteen
>> episodes so far, by my count), and the next episode will presumably
>> cover Richard's short reign and thus end the series.
>> So it is time to plug TO PROVE A VILLAIN edited by Taylor Littleton and
>> Robert R. Rea (MacMillan, ISBN 978-0-023-71360-6). This is, I believe,
>> the go-to source for those of us who do not have access to the British
>> Library and various monkish archives. It contains the full texts of
>> William Shakespeare's RICHARD III and Josephine Tey's THE DAUGHTER OF
>> TIME, as well as extracts from:
>> - Shakespeare's "HENRY VI, PART 3)"
>> - Sir Thomas More's "The History of King Richard the III"
>> - Polydore Vergil's "English History"
>> - the Abbey of Croyland's "Chronicle"
>> - John Dolamn, Francis Seager, and Thomas Churchyard's "A Mirror
>>    for Magistrates"
>> - Raphael Holinshed's "Chronicles"
>> - Sir Francis Bacon's "History of the Reign of the Henry VII"
>> - Horace Walpole's "Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King
>>    Richard the Third"
>> - Charles Dickens's "A Child's History of England"
>> - Clements R. Markham's "Richard III: A Doubtful Verdict Reviewed" - J.
>> Dover Wilson's "A Note on Richard III"
>> - A. R. Meyers's "The Character of Richard III"
>> People who have read THE DAUGHTER OF TIME will find a lot of familiar
>> arguments in Markham's article (and vice versa).  I suspect it was one
>> of Tey's main sources.
>> I have written extensive comments about the whole Richard III
>> controversy in the MT VOID (09/19/16 and 08/04/23), which can be found
>> at <>
>> beginning with Winston Churchill's comments, which are not included in
>> TO PROVE A VILLAIN, quite possibly for copyright reasons.
> Funny. Reading this as I'm watching a movie on Netflix, which just
> happens to be _The Lost King_
> In 2012, after having been lost for over 500 years, the remains of King
> Richard III were discovered beneath a car park in Leicester. The search
> had been orchestrated by an amateur historian, Philippa Langley, whose
> unrelenting research had been met with incomprehension by her friends
> and family and with skepticism by experts and academics. THE LOST KING
> is the life-affirming true story of a woman who refused to be ignored
> and who took on the country's most eminent historians, forcing them to
> think again about one of the most controversial kings in England's
> history.

But wait, there's more! Sunday's New York Times had an article about
Langley and her forthcoming book questioning whether Richard III
murdered his nephews.