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From: shawn <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-19 (Sunday)
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 11:41:13 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Mon, 20 May 2024 06:35:11 -0700, "Ian J. Ball" <ijball@mac.invalid>

>On 5/20/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>> What did you watch?
>I had a final review session in the late afternoon, and also had to do 
>some chores, which killed some of my TV watching momentum yesterday... 
>But I still got through two Lifetime movies, watched a chunk of the PGA 
>Championship, and caught up on soaps:

So you are squeaky clean now.

>What did you watch?

This will cover the last week or so as my viewing has been sporadic.

Last night I got in the last episode of TRACKER where in our hero is
called upon to help a child hood friend who has no magic any more,
Jennifer Morrison. Her daughter has gone missing after being out on
the ocean storm chasing and apparently seeing something. Was it Nessie
on a holiday? What ever it was the Sheriff does not seem particularly
worried even after they find her boyfriend washed up in a kelp bed and
quite dead.

For some reason there are a bunch of surfers who are quite territorial
with their beach who also seem to have an Aussie accent even though
this is Oregon and they've apparently lived there for many years. They
had some run ins with the daughter and the boyfriend in the past. Also
turns out the misplaced Aussies have been into various criminal acts
and are working with an even badder rich guy.

I also got in the first three episode of LOKI season 2, where in there
is a new crisis due to the final events of season 1 that may end all
of creation.

I also watched GREYS ANATOMY where in we had confirmation that Anim's
Dub Dub's character is gay as she is apparently going through a messy
divorce with her wife (who is back in Texas.) So it seems Natalie will
be remaining with the show through the rest of this season and likely
into next given two actors have already said they are leaving the

GOOD OMENS season 2 where in the arch angel Gabriel has ended up on
Earth with no memory of who and what he is and no clothes, but does
know enough to head to the book shop. Where he takes up residence as
both Heaven and Hell are looking for him for unknown reasons. Turns
out there are any number of people acting against the rules of Heaven
and Hell that have resulted in this situation. In the end things sort
of work as the end of the world approaches.

What did you watch?