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From: shawn <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-03-12 (Tuesday)
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 08:46:33 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Wed, 13 Mar 2024 05:28:31 -0700, "Ian J. Ball" <ijball@mac.invalid>

>On 3/13/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>> What did you watch?
>Needed a nap yesterday, so just soaps (and game shows):
>soaps: Tues' ep's (I misspoke in the previous WDYW? thread - obviously I 
>was watching Mon's episodes in that one).
>    DOOL - Tripp and Wendy survive (duh!). John and Steve are sweating 
>buckets that Rafe will figure out that they were involved in Clyde 
>Weston escaping jail (again, no Clyde this ep). Dumb Holly is a moral 
>coward, and lets EJ once again have Tate arrested rather than admit that 
>the drugs were hers.
>    GH - NuDrew is such a ponce! whining to Carly about Jason's return. 
>Jason's son, Daniel(?), finds Jason hiding out, and is convinced to help 
>Jason, after Jason denies shooting Dante. Laura conspires to have 
>Heather Webber sent clear across the country to San Quentin (so I guess 
>Heather is off the show now!). Booby Vista (Eva LaRue) is back and still 
>in total denial about Blaze being a lesbian.

Are you sure it isn't "Boobie Vista" as in she's a bird like a Boobie?

>Wheel of Fortune - Sometime Pat has to herd cats! But the lady did 
>really well with letter selection on the final puzzle, though she didn't 
>win the million.
>Jeopardy - Final Jeopardy was "World Theater"?! Oh, **** you, Jeopardy!! 
>What did you watch?

Coming to the final episodes of THE BLACKLIST Season One where the
tail of Berlin is finally revealed. Been binging on the season all
week long so while I've enjoyed watching James Spader chew the scenery
I haven't bothered with discussing each episode as I've watched since
they've all been discussed long ago.

Other than that about all I've watched was a good deal of Youtube.

What did you watch?