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From: Andrzej Matuch <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: cpu-x
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 06:38:50 -0400
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On Mon, 20 May 2024 00:04:06 -0000 (UTC), RonB
<> wrote:

>On 2024-05-19, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 May 2024 13:43:36 -0000 (UTC), RonB
>><> wrote:
>>>On 2024-05-19, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 19 May 2024 13:06:24 -0000 (UTC), RonB
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>On 2024-05-19, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 19 May 2024 01:42:40 -0000 (UTC), RonB
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>On 2024-05-18, Andrzej Matuch <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 17 May 2024 18:12:30 -0400, DFS wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 5/17/2024 6:01 PM, Andrzej Matuch wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I've lost five pounds since I decided to stop buying anything from the
>>>>>>>>>> United States because of the crap that is added to every product. You
>>>>>>>>>> can deny that too, but it speaks volumes about you.
>>>>>>>>> "the crap that is added to every product"?   What products?  What
>>>>>>>>> 'crap'?
>>>>>>>>> More of your hateful lies and delusions about the United States.
>>>>>>>> MSGs, acesulfame-potassium, aspartame, carageenan, sodium, monocalcium 
>>>>>>>> phosphate, diglycerides of fatty acids, phosphoric acid, potassium 
>>>>>>>> sorbate, disodium diphosphate, etc.. Not only is your government 
>>>>>>>> responsible for some of the worst political garbage in the world, your 
>>>>>>>> producers are poisoning you.
>>>>>>>Yep. And it's become almost impossible to avoid it, except at speciality 
>>>>>>>stores, where most Americans can't afford to shop.
>>>>>> Our family can still afford the superior product, but Justin Trudeau
>>>>>> and his Marxists are making sure that becomes impossible by making
>>>>>> everything, including car ownership, as expensive as possible. Even if
>>>>>> you can afford the car, gas and insurance at the moment, our
>>>>>> benevolent leader is making sure that gas becomes more expensive by
>>>>>> adding an ever-increasing carbon tax to its price, and his like-minded
>>>>>> governments are making sure that car thefts go unchecked by
>>>>>> encouraging people to leave their key fobs at the door to make the
>>>>>> theft as quick and painless as possible. I'm sure insurers won't mind
>>>>>> replacing everyone's car and won't increase their rates. 
>>>>>How long are you Canadians going to put up with that Trudeau shithead? (I 
>>>>>guess I shouldn't talk, we've got Biden and we'll probably have Trump ? I 
>>>>>won't vote for either.)
>>>> The guy has no chance of winning the next election, but he still has a
>>>> year in his mandate. He's holding on for dear life. He's been
>>>> pressured to resign, but he knows that he has no worth to the world if
>>>> not leading the country, so he doesn't want to lose the power. At
>>>> best, CBC might hire him as a political pundit or something, but the
>>>> guy has no education of worth and his insight would be worthless
>>>> considering how horrible he's been. Even as a teacher, he was a
>>>> complete failure. He would already be gone if his allies in the NDP
>>>> stopped giving him a pass. They've been trying to sell themselves as
>>>> an alternative to the leftist Liberal party, but their policies are
>>>> mostly the exact same, so they have no problem supporting him. As a
>>>> result, Canadians have to wait until his mandate is truly over.
>>>> The problem is the Conservatives - that I hope will actually be
>>>> different even though they supported the "vaccine" and were against
>>>> the Freedom Convoy - won't get anything done unless they get an
>>>> absolute majority. If they don't have it, the other parties are all on
>>>> the same side and can band together to give themselves a majority.
>>>> That's what happened with the Liberals this time around: they have a
>>>> minority, but by adding the seats of the NDP, got a virtual majority.
>>>> That's why everything is so rotten. 
>>>Politicians are generally rotten anyhow. Trudeau always looks like in above 
>>>his head, like a deer in the headlights. No nepotism there. He got into 
>>>office purely on his talent. (Like Bush Jr.)
>> The problem is that he doesn't have any talent. The incredibly
>> conpetent prime minister we had before him was, apparently, boring. He
>> kept the economy stable after the 2008 crash, and his mandates
>> essentially killed the problematic sovereignty movement but he was
>> "boring," so he needed to go. Trudeau came in as an energetic, young,
>> "fun" candidate, and the brain-dead young people voted him in.
>> He also promised that his government would have a modest, $10 billion
>> debt over five years to take advantage of low interest rates. In the
>> end, to quote the Fraser Institute: "By the end of his term, Justin
>> Trudeau is expected to be the largest debt accumulator among prime
>> ministers who did not experience a world war or at least one economic
>> downturn during their tenure."
>Matthew Perry (the former Friends actor, now deceased) once said that he and 
>Trudeau knew each when they were kids (I guess his mother was somehow 
>associated with the original Trudeau's government — can't remember exactly 
>how). At any rate Perry said he used to beat up on the young Trudeau. Maybe 
>he hit him too hard on the head a couple times. Or maybe there wasn't 
>anything to damage there in the first place.
>I know about racking up huge deficits. Biden is doing the same in the U.S.

Speaking of Matthew Perry, it looks like he was yet another one of the
"dozens" who enjoyed the benefits of the "safe and effective"


As for the deficits, my wife and I started watching The Crown on
Netflix after my co-worker recommended it and out of desperation for a
program we can _both_ watch. In a  few of the episodes, Britain is
facing the prospect of having to devalue their pound, worth $2.80 in
comparison to the American dollar, as a result excess spending by the
Conservatives to the tune of £800 million. They end up needing a cool
trillion bailout from the Americans that Lyndon Johnson didn't want to
give them and which Princess Margaret succeeds in getting. Back then,
the thought of the pound being devalued terrified the government.

Now, nobody cares. If the dollars are devalued and you can buy less
than you used to, tough luck. If homes are unaffordable and you have
to continue living with your parents, too bad. If no apartments are
available at all because illegals who shouldn't be in your country in
the first place get first dibs, it's not their problem. The point is
that it was actually weird to see a government actually care that
their actions might impact their citizens. It is very much unlike
everything I have lived through.