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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 20:56:16 +0000
Subject: Re: Does the number of nines increase? (axiomatizing completeness)
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From: Ross Finlayson <ross.a.finlayson@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 13:56:20 -0700
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On 07/02/2024 01:39 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On 07/02/2024 01:32 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> On 07/02/2024 05:07 AM, Jim Burns wrote:
>>> On 7/1/2024 11:19 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>> On 07/01/2024 06:10 PM, Jim Burns wrote:
>>>> What that means is that
>>>> I think
>>>> theory is a strong mathematical platonism,
>>>> it matters what is _attained_ to,
>>>> or that to which we _attain_,
>>>> the "true" objects of
>>>> a universe of mathematical objects,
>>>> "a" universe, then with regards to descriptions
>>> "descriptions"
>>>> there's that
>>>> the "extent density completeness measure" provide
>>>> "extent density completeness"
>>>> which you would agree that
>>>> "extent density completeness" makes for
>>>> satisfying the IVT.
>>>> Then, as I mentioned,
>>>> there's a theory,
>>>> in all the universe of theories,
>>>> all the abstract and contingent and fanciful and
>>>> practical and otherwise,
>>>> one of which is "the true theory",
>>>> that among those,
>>>> there's one where it appears that
>>>> "it is so" is an axiom.
>>>> So, given that
>>>> you won't accept that via inspection,
>>> "inspection"
>>>> that a least-upper-bound is given and
>>>> also a sigma algebra is given,
>>>> given that extent and density are givens,
>>>> then,
>>>> given that it's axiomatic,
>>> "axiomatic"
>>>> and, doesn't contradict the ordinary
>>>> because
>>>> it just makes for the "only-diagonal" contra
>>>> the "anti-diagonal",
>>>> then, how's that.
>>>> Good sir, ....
>>> Do I understand you correctly?
>>> You have declined my invitation to say
>>> what your symbol.string  n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  means
>>> because
>>> you consider what you've told me to have answered me:
>>> n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  satisfies IVT
>>> n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  is countable
>>> etc.
>>> You have defined it so.
>>> Do you realize that?
>>> Definitions are two.edged swords.
>>> They grant you unrestricted power,
>>> but only inside the area of what.you.mean
>>> and outside of that, no power.
>>> If what.you.mean by  n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  is that
>>> n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  satisfies IVT
>>> n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  is countable
>>> etc.
>>> then, okay, you can define it so, but
>>> defining it so doesn't mean it exists.
>>> Those proofs which
>>>   you think  n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  disproves
>>> prove that  n/d: 0≤n≤d: d → ∞  doesn't exist.
>> These things are demonstrated, then there's at least
>> one putative theory in the theory of all theories
>> where "axiom of iota-value truth" or "IVT axiom",
>> is so.
>> I don't claim any disproofs at all, except insofar as
>> the integers are non-standard, rather, it's another
>> proof in usual set theory's usual descriptive milieu
>> that there are "non-Cartesian" functions at least
>> this "only-diagonal" and it's arrived at about
>> the same way as there are "non-countable" domains
>> for what's the "anti-diagonal". Pick one: get both.
>> Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein theorem gets built a little barrier
>> about the transitive quality of cardinality, and a bit
>> of book-keeping results that quite standard looking results
>> combine to abound.
>> I'm glad you've arrived at "exists", though,
>> mathematical objects, defined by relation.
>> Definitions are only as good as they're sound.
>> And axioms: that they're not.ultimately.untrue.
>> You know, some have that least-upper-bound is
>> only provided to Eudoxus/Dedekind/Cauchy real field
>> via axiom.
>> And, that "non-countable" is a non-constructivist result.
>> Anyways, this putative countable domain via its construction
>> as a range of continuum limit of functions isn't contradicted
>> by the anti-diagonal and so on, nor by being a Cartesian function,
>> as a model of a unit line segment of the linear continuum.
>> "Real-Valued"
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ1D2pgTZb0&t=810s
> Here's a brief account of the "extent density completeness measure".

"Oh, you mean Hilbert's style of continuity postulate
is necessary for analytic geometry's formal foundations?"

Well, yeah, that's what he said.

Here instead it's just built as a limit of functions,
only the simplest function that relates 0, 1, and infinity.

Then an axiom of that is redundant, yet.