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From: ram@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Stefan Ram)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: C operator precedence rules
Date: 3 Oct 2024 19:37:07 GMT
Organization: Stefan Ram
Lines: 248
Expires: 1 Jul 2025 11:59:58 GMT
Message-ID: <rules-20241003203050@ram.dialup.fu-berlin.de>
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rbowman <bowman@montana.com> wrote or quoted:
>On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 03:04:11 -0600, Louis Krupp wrote:
>>Maybe add parentheses around the comparison, especially if it's long or
>>complex, which this isn't:
>I tend to use parens with operators if it isn't a simple expression to 
>make the precedence explicit. 

  Could you play this sonata for us?

  Pianist plays the Beethoven Sonata from memory. 
  (He also knows some other pieces by heart.)

  Could you translate this sentence for us?

  Translator translates the sentence, after having learned
  more than 10000 words, many of which have several forms
  and meanings, idioms, and complex rules of grammar and

  Could you explain "a & b << c + 1" for us?

  Look Sir, I'm a professional C programmer, doing this eight
  hours a day, 40 hours a week, for many years. But C has
  about 17 levels of precedence! Memorizing all of them is
  simply beyond human capabilities! So please give me some parens.
  I would say, otherwise, you would be to blame for having
  written such a cluttered mess!


  C is a language with some subtleties, and programming often
  is somewhat complex overall. If you don't trust a C programmer
  to even get an expression as simple as "a & b << c + 1",
  how is he supposed to get more subtle things right?


  We start with -2 * 3 + 4.

  We do not have to memorize precedence here, because we know
  it from school. So, we have

prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * / 
additive         + -

  . To get the full list of the "calculations", as I call
  these operations, we just need to add one layer "postfix"
  above and one layer "shift" below:

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >> 

  . One can remember the position of those layers by thinking
  about the meaning one wants to have to expressions like -a[ 3 ]
  and 1 << 2 + 3. The amount of a shift is often expressed
  with arithmetic expressions, so we want no parens there.

  Now we'll go beyond what I called "calculations":

  The results of calculations usually are compared. We rarely
  want ( 2 < 3 )+ 1, but more often 2 <( 3 + 1 ).

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=

  Though both are quite rare, (x>0)==(y>0) still should be
  needed more often than (x==0)>(y==0).

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=
equalities       == !=

  When shifting, in the end, we often mask using "&". So we
  want to be able to write "word & 1 << 3" without parens.

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=
equalities       == !=
bit and          &

  Sometimes, one might want to write x==0&y==0 without
  shortcut evaluation (to avoid a jump-operation), so "&"
  has less precedence than "==".

  The "and" operation is very similar to multiplication:
  0*0=0, 0*1=0, 1*0=0, 1*1=1. The "or" operation is very
  similar to addition: 0+0=0, 0+1=1, 1+0=1, 1+1=2.
  So, "and" is "multiplicative" and "or" is "additive".
  Additive operations have a smaller precedene than
  multiplicative operations.

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=
equalities       == !=
bit and          &
bit or           |

  The bitwise exclusive or is neither clearly additive nor
  clearly multiplicative, so it's middle ground, so to speak.

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=
equalities       == !=
bit and          &
bit exclusive or ^
bit or           |

  The logical operations are "high level" operations, since
  one might want to require to bits to be set via x&3 && y&4.

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=
equalities       == !=
bit and          &
bit exclusive or ^
bit or           |
logical and      &&
logical or       ||

  The "if" expression is as high level as a statement. One wants
  to be able to write: x > 2 && y > 3 ? ... .

postfix          [] () ...
prefix           - ! * ...
multiplicative   * /
additive         + -
shift            << >>
comparisons      < > <= >=
equalities       == !=
bit and          &
bit exclusive or ^
bit or           |
logical and      &&
logical or       ||
if               ?:

  (Possibly not all details of the grammar of the ternary
  operator can be specified using the concept of precedence,
  and so one might need to refer to the actual grammar.)

  And whatever expression you write, you want to be able to
  write it on the right-hand side of an assignment operator