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Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
Path: ...!!!!!!djheydt
From: (Dorothy J Heydt)
Subject: Re: MT VOID, 04/19/24 -- Vol. 42, No. 42, Whole Number 2324
Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 00:34:56 GMT
References: <v03s6d$ft7i$>
Organization: Kithrup Enterprises, Ltd.
X-Newsreader: trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
Bytes: 1027
Lines: 9

[Hal Heydt]
As for translations....  Dorothy was quite pleased with the
German translation of her short-short "Things Come in Threes"
(published in the first volume of MZB's "Sword and Sorceress"
series).  At the end, as Cynthia is looking down at the chaos of
the three demons going through the Roman army, the translation
rendered "chaos" as "tohuabohu".  That's one of the very rare
German borrowing from Hebrew and it's the "without form and
void" from the Bible.  A fitting match to the Greek concept of